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📣Industrial Automation Training! Industrial Automation training provides you with the knowledge and expertise to develop, implement, and enhance automated systems across diverse industries. This training is jointly provided by Addis Ababa Science and Technology University and Robox Robotics and AI Center.
💡 In the training, you'll learn: 👉 Fundamentals of industrial automation systems. 👉 Automation processes using robotics and AI. 👉 Programming and controlling automated systems using PLCs and sensors.
📅 Sign up today! For further information and registration: 📞 +251936871620/0913654261/ 0930532879 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼                  ⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻                @AASTUSU2012 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ የተማሪዎች ኅብረት ፡ ከተማሪዎች ፡ ለተማሪዎች ፡ የተማሪዎች
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Registration link for AASTU and ASTU Entrance Exams We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the entrance exams for Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU) and Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU). To register for the entrance exams, please fill out the online registration form using the link below:
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👍 5
For all interested ones, Dear Sir/Madam, Greetings from IIT Indore, India! I hope this message finds you well. IIT Indore has introduced short-term fellowship programs for international UG/PG and PhD students for the 2024-25 academic year. We have received numerous queries from international students regarding the application process and required documents. To address these concerns, we are organizing an online webinar on September 12, 2024, at 03:00 PM (IST)/ 05:30 PM (Philippines time). Interested students can register through the Google form link or by scanning the QR code in the attached flyer. I kindly ask you to share this information with the students so they can participate in the webinar and gain valuable insights into the technical and procedural requirements. Students can join after registration: - Sensitization activity to educate more about IIT Indore Short Term Fellowship Opportunities for International Students For any further questions or assistance, please feel free to contact us. Thank You. With Best Regards. -- Dr. Arpit Kumar Shrivastava (Ph.D.) ................................................................. Global Engagement Executive Officer, Office of International Relations, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore 453552 (M.P.) Email: [email protected] Alternative Email: [email protected] Phone: +91-731660-5540 ................................................................. IIT Indore: IR Office: LinkedIn:
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IIT Indore, भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान इंदौर

IIT Indore ,Top 10 IIT india, Best IIT india,Indian Institute Technology Indore ,IIT College, Education, Innovation, Teaching, Learning

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🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 ውድ የአ/አ/ሳ/ቴ/ዩ ተማሪዎችና የዩኒቨርስቲው ማኅበረሰብ፡ አዲስ ዓመትን ስንቀበል፣ ያለፈው ዓመት ስኬቶቻችን በኩራት ወደ ኋላ መለስ ብለን እንመለከታለን፤ እንዲሁም ከፊታችን የሚጠብቀንን ዓመት በተስፋና በደስታ እንጠባበቃለን። ይህ አዲስ ጅምር፣ አዲስ እድሎች የምናገኝበት ፣ እና ለአላማዎቻችን አዲስ ቃል ኪዳን የምንገባበት ጊዜ ነው። ለተማሪዎቻችን ፡ እናንተ የዚህ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ዋናዎች ናችሁ ። በትጋት መሥራታችሁ፣ የፈጠራ ችሎታችሁና እምቅ አቅማችሁ ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን   ተወዳጅ እና ተመራጭ  ቦታ እንዲሆን ያደርገዋል። ወደ አዲሱ ዓመት ስንገባ ፣ እያንዳንዱ ፈተና ለማደግ እድል እንደሆነ አናስታውስ ፣ እያንዳንዱ ትምህርት ወደ ህልሞቻችን ለመድረስ የምናደርገው እርምጃ መሆኑን አንዘንጋ ፣ እናም በየቀኑ አዲስ እድሎች መኖራቸውን ተረድተን ልንጠቀምባቸው ይገባል  ። ለመላው የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ማኅበረሰብ, ለምታደርጉልን ድጋፍ ፣ እገዛ እና አገልግሎት  ከልብ እናመሰግናለን ። በአንድ ላይ ሆነን ጠንካራ መሠረት ገንብተናል። በአንድነት ዕውቀት ፣ ፈጠራና ስኬት የሚበለፅግበት ተቋም መፍጠሩን እንቀጥላለን። አዲሱ ዓመት በስኬት፣ በእድገት፣ እና በማይረሱ ጊዜያት የተመላ ይሆንላችሁ ዘንድ ከልብ እንመኛለን ። ደስታን እና ሰላምን ያብዛላችሁ። መልካም አዲስ ዓመት! ከሰላምታ ጋር ሰሎሞን ታረቀኝ  የተማሪዎች ኅብረት ፕሬዝዳንት መስከረም 1 / 2017 ዓ/ም 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼                  ⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻                @AASTUSU2012 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ የተማሪዎች ኅብረት ፡ ከተማሪዎች ፡ ለተማሪዎች ፡ የተማሪዎች
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👍 16 5
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🌼🌼🌼 መልካም አዲስ ዓመት🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 2017 ዓ/ም 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼
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#የተረጋገጠ የድኅረ ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመግቢያ ፈተና (NGAT) የሚሰጥበት ቀን እና ሰዓት ፈተናው ነሐሴ 30 እስከ ጳጉሜን 1/2016 ዓ.ም እንደሚሰጥ ይታወቃል። (ከትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ያገኘነውን የትምህርት መስኮችና የመግቢያ ፈተና የሚሰጥባቸውን መርሐግብር ከላይ ይመልከቱ።) © : @tikvahuniversity                  ⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻                @AASTUSU2012 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ የተማሪዎች ኅብረት ፡ ከተማሪዎች ፡ ለተማሪዎች ፡ የተማሪዎች
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👍 12 3
Delegates from Rutgers University Visit AASTU, the 3rd of September 2024 This morning, a delegation from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, led by Dr. Jimmy Jung, Senior Vice Chancellor of International Strategy and Initiatives visited AASTU. The purpose of the visit was to explore potential areas for collaboration between the two institutions. Dr. Abrham Debebe, Vice President of Research and Technology Transfer at AASTU, warmly welcomed the team and provided an overview of the university's initiatives. He highlighted AASTU's focus on academic program accreditation, the establishment of centers of excellence, and enhancing research outputs that align with national priorities. Following the briefing, the two teams engaged in a productive discussion identifying key collaboration opportunities. They explored areas such as staff development, student and staff exchanges, and joint research and consultancy training programs.
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7👍 1
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#ጥቆማ ይመዝገቡ! በሥራና ክህሎት ሚኒስቴር እና በቴክኒክና ሙያ ሥልጠና ኢንስቲትዩት በጋራ የተዘጋጀው 2ኛ ዙር የቴክኖሎጂ ማበልጸጊያና ፈጠራ ሠመር ካምፕ ፕሮግራም ምዝገባ ተጀምሯል። ፕሮግራሙ ወጣቶች ችሎታቸውን እና የፈጠራ ሐሳባቸውን ወደ ተጨባጭ ሥራ እንዲለውጡ የሚያስችል ነው። በማንኛውም መስክ የቴክኖሎጂ እና የሥራ ፈጠራ ሐሳብ ያላችሁ በሙሉ ከታች የተቀመጠው ሊንክ ላይ በመግባት መመዝገብ ትችላላችሁ። ለመመዝገብ 👇 ከምዝገባ በኋላ በሚካሔድ ልየታ ለሚመረጡ የፈጠራ ባለሙያዎች የሠመር ካምፕ ፕሮግራሙ፣ አዲስ አበባ ላምበረት መናኸሪያ አካባቢ በሚገኘው የቴክኒክና ሙያ ሥልጠና ኢንስቲትዩት ዋናው ካምፓስ ይካሔዳል።    ⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻                @AASTUSU2012 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ የተማሪዎች ኅብረት ፡ ከተማሪዎች ፡ ለተማሪዎች ፡ የተማሪዎች
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👍 9 1🙏 1
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#MoE ለቀናት ተራዝሞ የነበረው በ2017 የትምህርት ዘመን የድኅረ ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች ለመማር የመግቢያ ፈተና (NGAT) አመልካቾች ምዝገባ ዛሬ ተጠናቋል። ፈተናው ነሐሴ 30 እስከ ጳጉሜን 1/2016 ዓ.ም ይሰጣል። ወደየተመደባችሁበት የፈተና ማዕከል ለፈተና ስትሔዱ የተሰጣችሁን User Name and Password እንዲሁም ማንነታችሁን የሚገልፅ መታወቂያ መያዝ ይጠበቃባችኋል። ⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻                @AASTUSU2012 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ የተማሪዎች ኅብረት ፡ ከተማሪዎች ፡ ለተማሪዎች ፡ የተማሪዎች
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