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Maxime Bernier

Leader of the People’s Party of Canada Chef du Parti Populaire du Canada @peoplespca

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Come meet me and other PPC supporters at a town hall in COURTENAY, BC, next Thursday! September 26, 2024 2:30 PM Details here👇
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I find it funny when Poilievre calls for a “carbon tax election” and brags that more people are finally agreeing with him on this issue. I started fighting Trudeau’s carbon tax in 2016 while running for the leadership of the CPC. This video shows a rally in January 2017. We could have had a carbon tax election years ago if the fake Conservatives had been consistent and defended clear principles. But just like with immigration, covid, globalism, gender ideology, and other issues, you cannot trust this flip-flopping party.
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👍 22💯 13🔥 6
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Je trouve amusant que Poilievre réclame une « élection sur la taxe carbone » et se vante que plus de gens sont finalement d’accord avec lui sur cette question. J’ai commencé à lutter contre la taxe carbone de Trudeau en 2016, quand que je me suis présenté à la chefferie du PCC. Cette vidéo montre un rassemblement en janvier 2017. Nous aurions pu avoir une élection sur la taxe carbone il y a des années si les faux conservateurs avaient été cohérents et défendaient des principes clairs. Mais tout comme avec l’immigration, la covid, le mondialisme, l’idéologie de genre et d’autres questions, vous ne pouvez pas faire confiance à ce parti de girouettes.
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👍 8 2🔥 1
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We should abolish the temporary foreign workers programme, not just reduce the number of permits. They aren’t actually temporary, it’s just another stream to bring in more permanent immigrants. Apart from seasonal agricultural workers, there is no need to have foreign workers.
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💯 26
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Nous devrions abolir le programme des travailleurs étrangers temporaires, et non simplement réduire le nombre de permis. Ils ne sont pas temporaires, ce n’est qu’un autre moyen d’attirer des immigrants permanents. En dehors des travailleurs agricoles saisonniers, il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir des travailleurs étrangers.
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6👍 2
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Although monetary policy has a huge impact on our lives, most people don’t pay attention because they find this topic too complicated and boring. But it’s not! Please take a moment to read the following, it’s important. The US Federal Reserve cut interest rates by half a percentage point yesterday, which reverses the higher rates policy of the past few years to fight inflation. Even though we’re not in a recession and prices are still rising, major central banks — including the @bankofcanada — are cutting interest rates. I believe they will start massively printing money again soon — that is, buy government treasuries that fund government debt with money created out of thin air, like they did during covid. Why? Because all Western governments have accumulated massive debts and are becoming insolvent. Servicing that debt is costing more and more, and governments don’t want to either cut spending or raise taxes. So we are all going to pay for it indirectly when the new wave of high inflation that this money printing will create hits our wallets. As everyone should understand, when the quantity of money circulating in the economy goes up faster than the quantity of goods and services, prices are inevitably bid up. It has nothing to do with “greed”, it’s just basic math. It’s the oldest trick in the books, used by governments that don’t want to raise taxes to pay for their unsustainable spending. When prices start to rise, they then tell people that greedy corporations are responsible for inflation, not them. The US government is in a special situation. They’ve been able to print trillions for decades to live beyond their means and pay for their imperial wars, because the dollar is the world reserve currency used by everyone on the planet. But now emerging countries (led by the BRICS+) are fed up and are dumping the dollar. There are news reports that they are planning to announce a new international payment system partly backed by gold in October. The rest of the world has stopped buying more US treasuries to fund the US government’s gigantic deficit. So the Fed will have to step in and buy them to prevent market interest rates from rising. That’s because when fewer investors are willing to buy treasuries, their price goes down and their yield rises. That means higher debt servicing costs for governments. Unless Washington makes drastic spending cuts (which isn’t going to happen whether Harris or Trump is elected), the Fed will therefore have no choice but to intervene. We either get money printing and inflation for years to come, or financial markets and government finances implode. Politicians always prefer the first option. Canada is particularly vulnerable because our economy is so integrated with the US, but also because most of our foreign reserves are in US dollars. Foreign reserves are the assets our government and central bank hold to support our currency and pay for imports in times of crisis. While the rest of the world is turning again to gold — the only real money for millennia, with silver — we are the only major economy with no official gold reserve. If and when the US dollar crashes, and a new international monetary arrangement based on some form of gold backing emerges, Canada will be caught with its pants down. Nobody will trust the value of our dollar. The cost of imports will skyrocket. We may be forced to suddenly stop spending hundreds of billions on programs we can’t afford and make massive reforms in a hurry. We’re not prepared for any of this. Our political and media elites have no clue what’s going on and will dismiss what I describe above as impossible or very unlikely. Trudeau doesn’t think about monetary policy and is clueless about economics. Poilievre hasn’t said a word about any of this, and isn’t willing to commit to any major spending cuts to put our finances and economy on a stronger footing. Get your financial situation in order. The coming years could be a roller coaster.
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💯 19👍 1💩 1🤝 1
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1/2 Bien que la politique monétaire ait un impact énorme sur nos vies, la plupart des gens n’y portent pas attention parce qu’ils trouvent ce sujet trop compliqué et ennuyeux. Mais ce n’est pas le cas! S’il vous plaît prenez un moment pour lire ce qui suit, c’est important. La Réserve fédérale américaine a réduit les taux d’intérêt d’un demi-point de pourcentage hier, ce qui inverse la politique des taux plus élevés des dernières années pour lutter contre l’inflation. Même si nous ne sommes pas en récession et que les prix continuent de grimper, les grandes banques centrales — dont la @banqueducanada — réduisent les taux d’intérêt. Je crois qu’ils vont bientôt recommencer à imprimer massivement de l’argent, c’est-à-dire acheter des bons du trésor qui financent la dette publique avec de l’argent créé à partir de rien, comme ils l’ont fait pendant la pandémie. Pourquoi? Parce que tous les gouvernements occidentaux ont accumulé des dettes massives et sont en voie d’être insolvables. Le service de cette dette coûte de plus en plus cher, et les gouvernements ne veulent ni réduire les dépenses ni augmenter les impôts. Nous allons donc tous payer pour cela indirectement lorsque la nouvelle vague d’inflation élevée que cette impression de monnaie créera frappera nos portefeuilles. Comme chacun devrait le comprendre, lorsque la quantité de monnaie circulant dans l’économie augmente plus vite que la quantité de biens et services, les prix augmentent inévitablement. Cela n’a rien à voir avec la « cupidité », c’est juste des mathématiques de base. C’est le plus vieux tour de passe-passe des gouvernements qui ne veulent pas augmenter les impôts pour payer leurs dépenses insoutenables. Lorsque les prix commencent à augmenter, ils disent aux gens que ce sont les compagnies avides qui sont responsables de l’inflation et non pas eux.
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👍 16 4
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UN MILLION DE MORTS OU BLESSÉS! C’est ce que Trudeau, Poilievre et tous les pro-guerre de notre establishment appuient en envoyant de l’argent et des armes en Ukraine au lieu de plaider pour la paix. Le PPC est le seul parti qui n’appuie pas cette guerre par procuration des néocons américains contre la Russie. 👉Pour nous suivre sur nos différentes plateformes et en savoir plus sur le Parti populaire du Canada 👇
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👍 6 3
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ONE MILLION DEAD OR WOUNDED! This is what Trudeau, Poilievre and all our establishment warmongers support by sending money and weapons to Ukraine instead of advocating for peace. The PPC is the only party that doesn’t support this US neocon proxy war with Russia.
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💯 19👍 9
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