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✅Vocabulary time📋 Along - bo'ylab 🔸to run along – ketmoq 🔸to move along – o’tmoq 🔸to take along – o’zi bilan olib ketmoq 🔸to bring along – muvofiq kelmoq 🔸to come along – hamrohlik qilmoq 🔸to pass along – o’tmoq, uzatib yubormoq 🔸to get along – amallab kun kechirmoq 🔸to get along without food – ovqatsiz amallamoq 🔸to get along in years – keksaymoq 🔸to go along with – kelishmoq, chiqishmoq 🔸right along – doim, muntazam 🔸along the highway – kata yo’l bo’ylab 🔸along the lines of – shekilli 🔸along with – birgalikda 🔸along for the ride – tasodifan qo’shilgan 🔸all along of – tufayli 🔸along the lines – yo’nalishda 🔸along with – shuningdek, birgalikda
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💡YANGILIK ⚡️GRAMMARWAY 2 kitobimiz tayyor. Hamma Inglizcha qonun- qoidalarini O'zbek tiliga 📝tarjima qildik. Sizlarga o'zingiz uchun, repititorlik sohasida ancha qo'l keladi📚 ⏰Vaqtingizni tejaydi. 🛋Yengillik beradi. 🤵‍♀🤵‍♂Ustozlarga ancha qo'l keladi. 🧨Unga qo'shib har bir Unit uchun 40 tadan unitni o'ziga moslab test ham tuzganmiz. 🔥Bu siz uchun Bonus. Ayni muddao. 🛎 Harid qiling, narxi hamyonbop!!! 💸25.000 ming so'm 20000 so'm Murojaat uchun: 👇 @Kasimovsalohiddin Subtitrli Inglizcha kinolar kanali ☄💥🔥👇
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English films with subtitles and words

💡👉Ushbu kanalda siz - subtitrli kinolar, seriallar va multfilmlarni topishingiz mumkin!📺🎞📽🎥🎬 Kanalda hamma kinolarning subtitri bor📃!!!

✅ Idiom Time 📚 🔺 Monkey Business 🔺 🇺🇿 Ma'nosi : Noqonuniy biror ish qilmoq. 🔸I suspect Tom is involved in monkey business 🔹Tom noqonuniy ishga qo'shilib qolgan deb shubha qilyapman 🔺 White Elephant 🔺 🇺🇿 Ma'nosi : Juda qimmat baho. 🔸The designer dress is a white elephant 😔 🔹Dizayner libosi juda qimmat narxda 😔 🔺 No spring chicken 🔺 🇺🇿 Ma'nosi : Yosh emas, katta yoshda. 🔸I am no spring chicken. I need a good night's sleep 😴 🔹Men yosh emas man. Menga tunda yaxshi uyqu kerak 😴 🔺 The lion's share 🔺 🇺🇿 Ma'nosi : Biror narsaning eng katta ulushi. 🔸The lion's share of my salary goes on paying taxes 😁 🔹Maoshimning katta qismi soliqlarni to'lashga ketadi 😁 🔺 Until the cows come home 🔺 🇺🇿 Ma'nosi : Judayam kechgacha. 🔸Today we can party until the cows come home 😊 🔹Bugun biz kechgacha bazm uyushtirsak bo'ladi 😊 @IELTS_Ingliz_tilini
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Men 2 soatdan so'ng uyda bo'lamanAnonymous voting
  • I will be at home after 2 hour
  • I will be at home after 2 hours
  • I will being at home after 2 hours
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✅Useful A really useful app for your phone😎 #useful
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Complete IELTS 8.apk5.99 MB
Expression Time 📚 🔸 I'll eat my hat 🇺🇿 Ma'nosi : Bu ibora juda ham hayron bo'lgan bo'laman degan ma'noni ifodalash uchun ishlatilinadi. Example : 🔸 Shakhnoza, you are very bright student, so I'll eat my hat if you cannot pass your exams. 🔹 Thank you so much☺️ 🔸 Shahnoza sen juda aqlli talabasan shuning uchun men hayron qolgan bo'lardim agar imtihoningni topshira olmasang. 🔸 Rahmat kattakon☺️ Useful? Then share our projects #vocabulary #idiom
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Nima qilyapsan?Anonymous voting
  • What are you doing?
  • What do you do?
  • What are you going to do?
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✅Useful Contains some methods to learn the most common 5000 words in English easily, roughly saying in a month. Uzbek teachers collected some words that are common in general English. This book contains methods of learning words easily. Yaqinlaringizga ham ulashing ✅ 🔥 #book
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5000 words in a month.pdf24.16 MB
✨✨✨Food vocabulary✨✨✨ 🌮🌯🫔🍕🍟🍔🌭🍰🍱🦪🍤🥟 ⚜A balanced diet – A diet that has the right amount of nutrients⛔️🤢 ⚜A bottle of bubbly – Sparkling wine🥃 ⚜A decadent chocolate pudding – Luxurious or self-indulgent chocolate pudding🍫🍩 ⚜A doggy bag – The leftovers of a meal in a restaurant taken home🍽🥡 ⚜A scrumptious meal – A delicious meal😋🍜 ⚜A sweet tooth – An enjoyment of sweet food😋🍩🧁🍰 ⚜An English breakfast – A large cooked breakfast that includes egg and bacon🍳🥚🥬 ⚜Calm the hunger pangs – To reduce the discomfort caused by hunger🥴🥴 ⚜Candle lit dinner – A romantic dinner by candlelight👨‍⚖🍽❤️🍽👰‍♀ ⚜Covered in a rich sauce – Covered in a creamy gravy🍩🧁 ⚜Cut down on – To reduce consumption ⚜Daily consumption – The amount that you eat everyday🫖☕️ ⚜Dying of hunger – Very hungry😫👉🍜🍲🍛🍣🍱 ⚜Exotic meals – Meals that originate in other countries🍔 ⚜Fine dining – Food catering to expensive tastes in a formal setting🍲👈😋👍 ⚜Food preparation – Preparing food🌮🌯🫔 ⚜Food production – Producing food🧃🥡 ⚜Fussy eater – Someone dislikes many foods🤢🤮👎 ⚜Home cooked meals – Meals cooked at home🍲🥘 ⚜Homemade food – Food made at home🍜🥘🍲🍛 ⚜Junk food – Food with little nutritional value🥗 ⚜Leafy vegetables – Vegetables such as spinach and cabbage🫑🥬🥦🍆 ⚜Mouth-watering meals – Delicious meals🍵😋🥄 ⚜Nutritious food – Food with many nutrients🥗 ⚜Packed with vitamins – Full of vitamins🍎🍅🥒🥬 ⚜Piping hot cup of coffee – Very hot coffee🧋☕️ ⚜Pub lunch – Lunch served in a bar🍽🥂🍽 ⚜Rabbit food – Salad vegetables🥗🍅🍆🥬🥒🌶🫑🌽🥕🫒🧄🧅🥔🍠 ⚜Ready meals – Heat and eat meals🍔🌯 ⚜Refined carbohydrates – Foods such as white rice, white bread🍚🍞 ⚜Savouring the food – Enjoying the food😋👍😋😋 ⚜Scrumptious meal – An exceptionally tasty meal😋🍛 ⚜Seasonal fruits – Fruits that grow in season🍎🍊🍌🍇🍓🍈🍒 ⚜Starving hungry – Extremely hungry😩👉🍜🍲🍛🌮🌯🫔 ⚜Wining and dining – Entertainment that includes good food🫕🍝 Sharing is caring 👨‍🦱🍎👩‍🦰=🤝
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