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🌐 Cambridge English baholash mezoni va CEFR haqida ma’lumot Cambridge English imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko'rayapsizmi? Quyida Cambridge English baholash mezoni va CEFR (Yevropa umumiy tillarni bilish darajasi) qanday qilib ingliz tili darajangizni aniqlashda yordam berishi haqida qisqa ma'lumot! 📊 CEFR darajalari va mos ballar: ➡️ C2 Proficiency (Mukammal daraja): 200+ ➡️C1 Advanced (Ilg'or daraja): 180-199 ➡️B2 First (O'rta daraja): 160-179 ➡️B1 Preliminary (O'rta boshlang'ich daraja): 140-159 Bu ballar sizning ingliz tilini real hayotda qanchalik yaxshi ishlata olishingizni ko'rsatadi — sodda suhbatdan tortib, murakkab mavzularni to‘liq tushunishga qadar! 🔗 Sizning ingliz tili darajangiz qaysi ekanini bilmoqchimisiz? Maqsadlaringizni rejalashtirish uchun ushbu jadvaldan foydalaning va kerakli ballga e'tibor qarating! Akademik yutuqlar, ish topish yoki shaxsiy rivojlanishingiz uchun Cambridge English Qualifications sizni maqsadlaringizga erishishga yordam beradi! #CambridgeEnglish #CEFR #InglizTili #CambridgeImtihonlari #InnovativeCentre Follow us for more: 🌐 Telegram |🌐 Instagram |🌐 Facebook |🌐
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ENDILIKDA BUXORODA👨‍🎓👩‍🎓 Doktorantura va mustaqil izlanuvchilar uchun: 🇺🇸iTEP imtihonini tavsiya etamiz 🔹Bu imtihon 5 ta ko’nikmadan iborat 🔹Javobi 2-ish kunida tayyor bo’ladi 🔹A1-A2 darajalariga ham sertifikat taqdim etiladi 📅SENTYABR VA OKTYABR oyidagi imtihon sanalari: 20.09.2024 6.10.2024 ☎️Ma’lumot uchun: +998 90 001 06 09 +998 94 262 44 20 @helpme_lingua_examinations 🕐Shoshiling. Narxlar 1️⃣.5️⃣5️⃣0️⃣.0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ so'm. 👇👇👇To'lovlarni quyidagi hisob raqamga faqat BANK orqali amalga oshirasiz Tashkilot nomi: Aligenius innovative centre MChJ 💸H/R: 20208000805115483001 MFO: 00873 INN: 306667716 "ASAKA" ATB Buxoro mintaqaviy filiali ✅To'lov qaydnomasiga quyidagi ma'lumotlar kiritiladi: - Talabgorning to'liq ismi sharifi -modul raqami To'lovni amalga oshirganingizdan so'ng, kvitansiya, pasport kopiya, email adress, hamda telefon raqamingizni ga yuboring! 📌Manzil:
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8 lessons from the book "You Become What You Think" by Shubhram Kumar Singh 1. Your thoughts have immense power in determining the course of your life. Positive thinking can lead to positive outcomes, while negative thinking can lead to negative consequences. 2. Cultivating a growth mindset is essential for personal and professional success. Believing in your ability to improve and grow leads to perseverance and resilience. 3. Visualizing your goals and dreams helps in manifesting them into reality. The practice of seeing yourself achieving your goals can motivate you and guide your actions. 4. Confidence in your abilities is crucial. Self-belief acts as a foundation for taking risks, overcoming obstacles, and achieving success. 5. Using positive affirmations can help in reprogramming your subconscious mind. Regularly affirming positive statements about yourself can boost self-esteem and drive positive change. 6. Identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs is necessary for personal growth. These beliefs often stem from past experiences and can hinder progress if not addressed. 7. Directing your focus and concentration on your goals is vital. Distractions can derail progress, so maintaining a clear and focused mind is important for success. 8. Practicing gratitude shifts your mindset from scarcity to abundance. Acknowledging and appreciating what you have can increase happiness and contentment. GET THE BOOK: You can get the 2 MONTHS FREE AUDIOBOOK OFFER by using the same link to register on the Audible platform. Use the same link to register and start enjoying it for FREE.
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"The Strength In Our Scars" by Bianca Sparacino is a poignant exploration of healing, resilience, and the power of vulnerability. Through a collection of heartfelt prose and poetry, Sparacino addresses the complexities of emotional pain, self-acceptance, and personal growth. Here are ten key lessons and insights from the book: 1. Embracing Vulnerability: Sparacino emphasizes the importance of embracing vulnerability as a source of strength. Rather than viewing vulnerability as a weakness, she encourages readers to see it as a pathway to authentic connection and self-discovery. Sharing one’s struggles can foster deeper relationships and create a sense of community. 2. Healing is a Journey: The book underscores that healing is not a linear process but a journey filled with ups and downs. Sparacino reminds readers that it’s okay to take time to heal and that setbacks are a natural part of the process. Patience and self-compassion are essential as individuals navigate their emotional landscapes. 3. The Power of Acceptance: Acceptance plays a central role in the healing process. Sparacino encourages readers to accept their scars—both physical and emotional—as integral parts of their stories. Acknowledging pain and trauma allows individuals to reclaim their narratives and move forward with greater resilience. 4. Finding Strength in Struggles: The book highlights the idea that struggles can lead to personal growth and strength. Sparacino illustrates how adversity can shape character and build resilience, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s capabilities. 5. Self-Love and Compassion: Sparacino advocates for the practice of self-love and self-compassion. She emphasizes that treating oneself with kindness and understanding is crucial for healing. By nurturing a loving relationship with oneself, individuals can cultivate a sense of worthiness and acceptance. 6. The Importance of Community: The author stresses the significance of community and connection in the healing process. Sharing experiences with others who have faced similar challenges can provide comfort and support. Building a supportive network can enhance resilience and foster a sense of belonging. 7. Reframing Negative Thoughts: Sparacino encourages readers to challenge and reframe negative thoughts and beliefs. Recognizing the power of thoughts in shaping emotions and behaviors allows individuals to cultivate a more positive mindset and promote healing. 8. Expressing Emotions: The book highlights the importance of expressing emotions rather than suppressing them. Sparacino advocates for finding healthy outlets for emotions, whether through writing, art, or conversation. Expression can lead to catharsis and a deeper understanding of one’s feelings. 9. Creating New Narratives: Sparacino encourages readers to take control of their narratives and redefine their identities. By acknowledging past experiences but not allowing them to define the future, individuals can create new stories that reflect their growth and resilience. 10. Hope and Renewal: Ultimately, the book conveys a message of hope and renewal. Sparacino reminds readers that healing is possible and that individuals have the capacity to rise from their scars. Embracing hope can inspire action and lead to a more fulfilled and empowered life. "The Strength In Our Scars" by Bianca Sparacino is a powerful exploration of healing, resilience, and the journey to self-acceptance. Through its insights on vulnerability, acceptance, community, and hope, the book serves as a guiding light for anyone navigating their own struggles and seeking to find strength in their scars. Sparacino’s compassionate approach encourages readers to embrace their journeys and discover the beauty in their resilience. Book: You can get the audiobook for FREE by using the same link above when you register on the Audible platform.
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OKTYABR oyida navbatdagi test imtihoni bo'ladi. 📣Buxoro viloyatidagi xorijiy til fani o'qituvchilari uchun !!! 🔰2024-yil 20-oktyabr kuni Buxoro shahrida navbatdagi imtihoni   o'tkaziladi. Ro'yxatdan o'tishning oxirgi kuni 20.09.24! 🕐Shoshiling. Narxlar 9️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ so'm. 👇👇👇To'lovlarni quyidagi hisob raqamga faqat BANK orqali amalga oshirasiz Tashkilot nomi: Aligenius innovative centre MChJ 💸H/R: 20208000805115483001 MFO: 00873 INN: 306667716 "ASAKA" ATB Buxoro mintaqaviy filiali ✅To'lov qaydnomasiga quyidagi ma'lumotlar kiritiladi: - Talabgorning to'liq ismi sharifi -modul raqami To'lovni amalga oshirganingizdan so'ng, kvitansiya, pasport kopiya, email adress, hamda telefon raqamingizni ga yuboring! 📌Manzil:
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