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FED 降息 50 個基點 - 聯準會聲明稱就業成長“放緩”,但對通膨“信心增強” - 除危機事件期間的緊急降息外,降息 50 個基點在近代史上是罕見的 - 鮑威爾表示,就業成長放緩“值得關注” - 鮑威爾表示經濟處於“良好狀態” 等大家躊躇一下準備大 risk on 模式吧
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EP489 | 🪔 J包放過我 我們無法影響美國利率決策,但可以掌握自己的養髮決策! 隨著年紀增長,發現頭髮變細軟更顯老 #質進化咖啡因 洗後頭髮會有蓬鬆豐盈感 看起來變健康有型,輕鬆掌握自己的視覺年齡! 【風險控管靠股癌,頭皮控管靠森歐黎漾】 🏆 #森歐黎漾 連續三年榮獲世界美妝大獎 質進化咖啡因豐盈養髮組,喚醒髮根求生欲! 配方含嚴選咖啡因與植萃胜肽 全系列溫和0矽靈,搭配清新木質香氣 簡單3步驟: 1淨2洗3養髮 洗髮精可依髮質挑選 豐盈健髮款x控油健髮款 呵護頭皮,強健髮根,輕鬆重拾豐盈蓬鬆的自信秀髮! 即日起至官網購買股癌粉絲限定【質進化咖啡因30日養髮基礎組】 每組最高現折$150買兩組最高現折$300每組都折多買多划算 森歐黎漾官方旗艦館🡪 MOMO購物網同步優惠中🡪 森歐黎漾蝦皮旗艦店 請至我的-優惠券輸入折扣碼 SAHOGO250 (最高享$250折扣) 🡪 PChome24hr購物網🡪 全台屈臣氏同步熱烈販售中 *MOMO、蝦皮實際優惠以商品頁為主 股癌傳送門:
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Is o1-preview reasoning?

Dr. Tim Scarfe and Dr. Keith Duggar discuss OpenAI's new models and their capabilities. They critically analyse claims about AI reasoning, explore the limitations of current language models, and debate the nature of intelligence and computation. Throughout, they emphasize the importance of human oversight in AI applications and discuss potential future developments in the field. MLST is sponsored by Brave: The Brave Search API covers over 20 billion webpages, built from scratch without Big Tech biases or the recent extortionate price hikes on search API access. Perfect for AI model training and retrieval augmentated generation. Try it now - get 2,000 free queries monthly at We edited about an hour off this conversation, see full one on patreon -

TOC: 00:00:00 1. Introduction and AI hype cycles 00:02:09 2. Computational limits of AI systems 00:03:57 3. Neural Networks vs. Turing Machines 00:11:55 4. Computational models in AI 00:13:03 5. What is Reasoning? 00:21:08 6. Chain-of-thought prompting 00:26:02 7. AI code generation and complexity 00:34:24 8. AI assistance vs. human problem-solving 00:35:04 9. Limitations of AI in reasoning and problem-solving 00:46:27 10. Knowledge acquisition and inference in AI 00:53:36 11. Comparing AI and human reasoning capabilities 00:58:58 12. LLMs as cognitive tools 01:00:32 13. Testing o1-preview on a logic puzzle 01:20:48 14. AI-assisted coding: strengths and limitations

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FBI指川普在高球場似遭企圖暗殺 持槍者逃離後被捕[影]


螃蟹直接被 double downgraded..分析師意見為 wifi7 競爭激烈、 pc exposure 高但產業軟外加 woa 滲透低於預期 同場加映認為整體半導體循環到這邊差不多了,庫存去化慢+ semi revenue peak 大概就是接下來兩季的事情 - 螃蟹產品推得比較慢是正常,wifi7 高通和發哥緊打,滲透+價格戰會提早發生 - pc 復甦這一條確實是講了很久都沒有什麼起色,就是慢慢的 - 半導體循環這論調還是看子產業,矽晶圓、mcu, 二線代工、手機、筆電,這些人從 2022 以來都沒感受到復甦,23-24 是 AI 大起,non AI 產業沒啥吃到、股價也沒啥吃到乖乖躺平 產業整體狀況分化,接下來往估值調整的方向漸進,AI 沾到越多的修更多
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習近平“倒車經濟學”再創新紀錄!8月經濟數據全部不及預期,風險提示:政府舉債將失控!|米國路邊社 [20240915#591]

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