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Kecha dunyodagi eng baland binolardan birining eng yuqori qavatida chiroyli qiz bilan suhbatlashib turgandim. Bugun esa kechasi bilan uxlamay, ishlab charchab, borsa kelmas joylarda qornim ochligidan bir burda non qidirib yurdim. Hayotning shunaqa past balandliklardan iborat bo'lishi, qaysidir ma'noda umrga mazmun qo'shadigan elementlardan biridir. Faqatgina qiyinchilikdan yoki faqatgina shodlikdan iborat emas, qandaydir rang-barang - bir kun undoq, bir kun bundoq o'tadigan kunlar. Viktor Franklning "Man's search for meaning" hayotiy tajribalariga asoslanib yozilgan asarida quyidagicha g'oya ilgari suriladi: "when there is meaning in life, then there must be meaning in suffering". Ya'ni aytmoqchi-ki, agar bu hayotda yashashdan ma'no bo'lsa, azoblanish, qiynalishda ham bir hikmat bor. Umuman olganda, har bir his-tuyg'uning, har bir kechinmalarning mavjudligi bilan hayot bus-butun bo'ladi. Chizib berilgan formula bo'yicha bir xil tarzda yashash zerikarli, eng kamida men uchun. Kutilmagan vaziyatlar eng ajoyib emotsiyalarni olib keladi, rejalashtirilmagan, yetti uxlab tushimizga kirmagan taqdir ssenariylari bizga eng yaxshi darslarni beradi. Faqat buni maqsadsiz yurish bilan adashtirmaslik kerak. Maqsad qilingan manzilga yaxshi harakat qilinsa, albatta qaysidir kun yetib boriladi. Faqatgina, o'sha masofani bosib o'tish uchun ketadigan yo'lni qanday usulda bosib o'tish o'zimizga bog'liq. Titanikdagi Jack aytganidek, "Hayot misoli arg'umon, uni bekorga safrlagim yo'q. Zero, insonga berilgan har bir kun hisobda". @bornleader_community
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Shu joyida hayolimga kelib qoldi: laptop bilan tashlab ketishsa Robinzon Kruzo qolib ketgan kimsasiz orolda bir necha yil yashab berishga yo'q demasdim)
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I wouldn't say lectures or university lessons are completely useless. They are important for study interaction and learning crucial rudiments of the subject. However, one thing to realize is the fact that they are never enough. Never. Assignments or lectures alone cannot produce good doctors, good engineers, and good economists. To acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, student should be ready to dive into beyond what school curriculum teaches. Lessons, in most cases, only explains why it is important, how to do it, and what benefit it brings in general to society. The rest - independently researching topics, analyzing subjects and terms, GPT brainstorming, extra courses = all the suffering - lies on the shoulder of a student. Apart from this initial reason of deeper learning of domain, there is also an intense competition among students for being the best at class. Especially applicable where scholarships/grants are awarded based on keeping a high GPA, and subject syllabus do not let everyone take A or A+, meaning everybody competes for limited highest grades, like mine. Logically, to outperform peers, one should stick to a lot of extra resources and more commitment rather than a mere lectures. Funny thing is that university never tells its students to do so). They need to figure out themselves (like Javohir and me did right now). What I understood from three week studies at college is, university usually tries to create the best possible academic environment for its student body, which I think is one of the most important things to consider. Otherwise I believe the same knowledge can be taken outside thanks to million different efforts to make education possible. To conclude, one should never think that university makes student smart, skillful, or knowledgeable. It does not even guarantee a career with a well-paid job. Academic institutions like university, however, do their best to provide adequate facilities for their aspiring students to flourish in a 4-year academic journey and pursuits. #mustread @bornleader_community
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Repost from Java's Blog 💛
Maturity is realizing that university is a scam because you basically just self-study everything while the lecturers just read from slides 💯😊
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You really want to upgrade your profile picture with new shots but you dont because your parents will see and criticize your overly grown hair)) #willbedeleted
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Mo’tabar opadek (urikguli) insonlar yo’q bo’lgan dunyoni ko’rishni xohlamasdim.
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Do you eat because you are hungry or do you eat because you want to? What if you eat what you want when you are hungry? What if you are hungry and also want to eat, but there is nothing left?
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Iqtisoslashgan maktab internatida o'qigan vaqtlarimda o'qish qattiq va talabchan bo'lardi. Hamma jadvaldagi fanlar va qo'shimcha repititor darslari uchun yozuv chizuv qilish kerak bo'lardi: diktant, uyga vazifa, insho, qoidalar, formulalar. O'sha eng pikka chiqgan 7 8 sinflarda ham bitta ruchkani bir oy ishlatar edim. Ammo high school yillarimda uncha maktabga bormaganim va kompyuterga o'tib ketganim uchun handwriting ancha kamaygan edi. Ammo, hozir bu yerda haftasiga 4 ta ruchka ishlatyapman. Tezda tugab qolyapti. Bo'lmasa deyarli yarim ishlarimni yozish va o'rganish uchun ikkita telefon va bitta laptop ishlataman. Shunda ham 4 ta ruchka yetmayapti. Yo Koreyada ruchkani siyohlari juda oz bo'ladi yoki men eng pikka chiqgan vaqtlarimdan ham ortiq qo'lda yozyapman. Misol uchun, mana shu postimni ham birinchi qog'ozga yozib olib, hozir mana kanalga ko'chirib o'tiribman) @bornleader_community
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Mana shu reklamaga o'xshab hayotimizda tez-tez har xil takliflar, tanlash yo'llari taqdim etiladi. O'zimiz xohlagan narsaga erishish uchun bizga to'g'ri va noto'g'ri, oson va qiyin yo'llar o'rtasida doimiy tanlov qilish kerak bo'ladi. Insonning umr yo'li oxirigacha o'zi bilan o'zi o'rtasida kechadigan kurashlardan iborat. O'ylash jarayonida ichimizda kechadigan murosasiz bahslar va ularning natijasida chiqaradigan qarorlarimiz yakunda qanday inson ekanligimizni ko'rsatib beradi. Orzudagi mashinani mehnat qilib, halol ishlab topib olsa bo'ladi. Yoki kimnidir haqqini yeb, yoki qing'ir yo'l bilan sotib olsa ham bo'ladi. Qanday yo'lni tanlash yuqorida aytganimdek ichimizda bo'ladigan bahslarning natijasiga bog'liq. Rasmda qimor haqidagi reklama 4.5 million odamga yetib bordi. Endi ular qaror qabul qilishi kerak. Ha do'stlar, yaxshi va yomon o'rtasidagi murosasiz kurash abadiydir. Doimo qarshimizdan chiqib kelaveradi. @bornleader_community
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Qorning juda och bo’lganda tansiq taomni rasmga olib qo’yish esgayam kelmaydi-ey) Estetik qilib instaga rasm qo’yaman degandim-a.
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