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22 July - the most important day in our planet to change laws / human rights / discrimination once at all! Behind Breivik Facts Obviously not for the massacre, but because we hope our investigation will finally make a change in our planet. If you are reading this message, well, we are contrasting terrorism / criminals in paradise now We hope our governments really start to learn from Norway disaster and other bad days, because we need to improve from errors even if we need to talk about tabu topics or whatever! instead of doing same exact errors, keeping eyes closed, fix problem with nothing = keeping problems ... It's time to change laws, to improve human rights and much more related to so many things, not related to terrorism at all, but included in Brevik story. Breivik story is in our opinion a story that can never be forget, not for the massacre he did, but because this story include all other stories / rights / etc.! We really hope scientists and politicians will not ignore all what is behind that (and we don't mean the ☪️ discrimination, because we don't share that at all! @NoBreivikMania!!) It's time to learn, to improve and to contrast terrorism / criminality!
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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 8 Part 1 So again: a) PLEASE LESS BULLSHIT ABOUT BREIVIK! BREVIK KILLED MORE THAN 77 PEOPLE! b) Plus IS NOT A LIFE SENTENCE! and this fake life sentence is JUST A WASTE OF MONEY WITH TONS OF NO SENSE COURT SESSIONS! c) Plus what is this bullshit of having access to internet? If he had access to internet, he would not complain about letters! d) Injured people are much more too! What we need to learn from Crocus City Hall? a) don't believe Europe propaganda based on bullshit! so don't believe every bullshit by Amnesty, Carolyn Hoyle, UN, John Bessler b) mutilation is A NO GO! and using force to hide governments failure is not ok at all! c) sentences should be done with MUCH MORE NEUTRALITY! and correct @DeathExecutionMethod No matter if related to death penalty, life sentence or whatever! d) no one is saying we need to implement death penalty for terrorism (especially related to ☪️!). e) homicide is not synonym of death penalty! f) don't forget other crimes and all other tabu topics behind that! like human rights related to prisoners or whatever! Is much more complex than "death penalty"! g) what do you mean with torture? It's a much more complex topic than death penalty! to h) stats are shit! i) never forget ethical dilemma
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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 8 Part 1 So the real ethical dilemma question is "is more worse a innocent sentenced to death or 30 innocent killed by no death penalty for example???" Is 1 over 30 more important??! YES; it's an ethical dilemma! Don't consider just "the poor 1" if you ignore "the poor 30!" Plus don't think that just because the prisoner is getting life sentence, he lives better than with a death penalty! При отсутствии смертной казни в уголовном законе страны все меры наказания как бы автоматически «понижаются», а судьи выносят более мягкие приговоры. In the absence of the death penalty in the country’s criminal law, all penalties are automatically “lowered,” and judges hand down more lenient sentences. BULLSHIT! France has no death penalty and still believe in life sentence for many crimes! Perfect ... let we keep 1.5 years of prison for rape! Why not removing prison at all? Would be much easier! Let we keep all "innocents" Plus exactly what? How can you reduce sentences for animals crimes, if such things ARE ALREADY RIDICOULUS LOW! Так, террорист Брейвик, организатор и исполнитель взрыва в 2011 г. в центре Осло и нападения на молодежный лагерь, в результате чего 77 человек погибли и 151 ранены, отбывает пожизненное заключение в трехкомнатной одиночной камере и имеет доступ в интернет и спортзал. Thus, the terrorist Breivik, the organizer and perpetrator of the 2011 bombing in the center of Oslo and the attack on a youth camp, as a result of which 77 people were killed and 151 injured, is serving a life sentence in a three-room solitary confinement cell and has access to the Internet and a gym. PLEASE LESS BULLSHIT ABOUT BREIVIK! BREVIK KILLED MORE THAN 77 PEOPLE!
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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 7 Part 1 b) so crimes change everywhere no matter if we have or not a death penalty! PLUS DON'T CHECK JUST CRIMES RELATED TO HOMICIDES! why you ignore rape crimes???! Why you ignore other type of crimes? Why you ignore crimes done to animals???! Consider all crimes, not just this shit of homicides! Homicides IS NOT synonym of death penalty! Again ... Would be time we go AWAY from this obsessions for homicides! RAPE IS 100000x WORST THAN HOMICIDES! Let put this in your brain once at all! Homicide = the dude is death = no trauma at all for the dude! Only trauma for families, but this happens with all type of crimes! c) “If you kill a murderer, the number of murderers will not change.” what is this shit??! and what about the number of victims???! what about the number of people doing suicide due to this criminal??? what about the number of people getting injured by another crime from this dude!!! Plus if you kill a murder, the number of murder WILL CHANGE! because the number of murders continue to increase! no matter what happens to this dude! Факт присутствия в любой – даже в самой совершенной – судебной системе возможности судебной ошибки при наличии смертной казни означает перспективу лишения жизни невиновного человека, делает эту меру наказания неприемлемой. The fact that in any - even the most perfect - judicial system the possibility of a miscarriage of justice in the presence of the death penalty means the prospect of depriving the life of an innocent person and makes this measure of punishment unacceptable. We already talked about that! Plus the real ethical dilemma question is "is more worse a innocent sentenced to death or 30 innocent killed by no death penalty for example???
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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 5 Part 1 1988‒2002 UN study ... Well this is bullshit and we already talked about before! to Not only this contains GOOD INFORMATIONS IGNORED BY AMNESTY, but even bullshit facts by Carolyn Hoyle So this is the best example HOW AMNESTY IS JUST PROMOTING BULLSHIT WORLDWIDE! even in Russia! They just check the shit they want and SKIP ALL OTHER INFORMATIONS! Obviously they don't verify anything! WE CLEARLY STAND AGAINST AMNESTY BULLSHIT! and it's time to stop this crime of bullshit to governments and UN! Until Amnesty start to share real facts, they have NO RIGHT anymore to promote bullshit! Plus let we remember IS NOT JUST ABOUT REDUCING NEW CRIMES BY NEW PERSON! but even reducing new crimes by the same criminals! При исследовании статистики преступности давно установлено, что количество убийств и иных тяжких преступлений в любой стране на протяжении длительного времени остается приблизительно одинаковым, иногда даже снижается, несмотря на наличие или отсутствие в ней смертной казни. Как говорил Уинстон Черчилль, «если убить убийцу, число убийц не изменится». When studying crime statistics, it has long been established that the number of murders and other serious crimes in any country remains approximately the same for a long time, sometimes even decreasing, despite the presence or absence of the death penalty in it. As Winston Churchill said, “If you kill a murderer, the number of murderers will not change.” a) stats are SHIT! to b) crimes are not related to death penalty! and there is no way to show that with science at all!
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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 5 Part 1 So again we DON'T SUPPORT this idea that if someone kill someone he get 30 years for example, if someone is causing disability to another there is 0 years prison! It's time to stop this shit! If you do racial terrorism and you fail, like the 🇮🇹 terrorist, YOU DESERVE THE SAME SENTENCE LIKE BREIVIK (but without shitty 🇳🇴 laws!) Но и оно нивелируется наличием наказания в виде пожизненного заключения. But it is also offset by the presence of a punishment in the form of life imprisonment. Like said we support both death penalty OR life sentence + assisted suicide option after 10-20 years! but let we remember that if we talk about life sentence! we need to respect human rights of homeless too! So we cannot give priority to criminals over homeless, by saying death penalty is cruel, while you GIVE A SHIT TO HOMELESS AT ALL! So again, everyone can do what they want, but NEVER FORGET POOR PEOPLE! no matter if you do life or death penalty! If you do life sentence, this is much worse! because you give a shit per default and you give a shit another time doing life sentence! and let we remember that putting innocent in prison is the same! Может ли смертная казнь помочь в борьбе с преступностью? В 1988‒2002 гг. под эгидой ООН проводилось исследование, которое показало, что никаких доказательств того, что угроза смертной казни имеет сдерживающий эффект для потенциальных преступников или больший эффект, чем пожизненное заключение, нет. Can the death penalty help fight crime? In 1988‒2002 A UN-sponsored study found that there was no evidence that the threat of the death penalty has a deterrent effect on potential criminals or any greater effect than life imprisonment. BULLSHIT see next post
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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 4 Part 1 c) so death penalty doesn't directly REMOVE a crime! we already said that with Breivik too! and this is why we apply the restriction of human rights! TO PREVENT POSSIBLE CRIMES! No one know if such dude will redo or not the crime! but the risk is too high to give them a parole! and let we remember the crime is NOT just doing the same crime, but even for example KILLING PEOPLE during the escape or other things! Допуская смертную казнь даже в виде исключительной меры наказания, надо понимать, что область ее применения всегда и везде имеет тенденцию к расширению By allowing the death penalty even as an exceptional measure of punishment, one must understand that the scope of its application always and everywhere tends to expand. Sorry but NOPE! if you implement a death penalty for mass killing (for example over 5 people) you don't use that for people that kill 4 people! or rape 5 girls and all 5 girls do suicides! Yes, the dude killed 5 girls, but is NOT mass killing! This is death penalty to rape! so another thing! Собственно, единственное основание, по которому многие люди считают необходимым использование смертной казни, ‒ это возмездие за наиболее жестокие преступления, в частности за убийство. In fact, the only reason why many people consider it necessary to use the death penalty is retribution for the most brutal crimes, in particular murder. 🙅‍♂️ you can kill 0 people and you would get a death penalty for terrorism or hate crimes! IS NOT BASED ON MURDER AT ALL! Crocus City Hall with 0 deaths because they failed the terror attack? Same death penalty! Homicides is the best example WHY WE DON'T NEED TO IMPLEMENT DEATH PENALTY FOR ALL CRIMES!
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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 3 Part 1 Ok, let we continue after we discovered how LinkedIn is supporting mafia bullshit science! Even by having a neutral point of view! and this is a decision that Russia need to take, means do they want to implement that? For which crime? In which cases is not ok? ... etc! We are NOT saying Russia need to implement death penalty, if they don't want that! We are saying that Russia need to recheck facts AND DON'T LISTEN TO EU PROPAGANDA! because 🇪🇺 is just full of fake science related to crimes! So again: d) like said, such things don't depend just on death penalty yes or no! to Don't be ignorant like Amnesty! Otherwise death penalty ban would reduce car accidents! Можно было бы согласиться с тем, что после ухода в прошлое принципа кровной мести смертная казнь могла бы быть полезной, если бы была способна устранить большее зло, чем является она сама, либо если бы она могла противостоять деяниям, приносящим наивысший вред обществу, государству или человеку. It might be agreed that, after the principle of blood feud has become a thing of the past, the death penalty could be useful if it could eliminate a greater evil than itself, or if it could counteract acts that bring the greatest harm to society, the state or to a person. a) death penalty is not an act of revenge! b) death penalty is not blood, because there is no blood at all! Is assisted suicide if we don't apply like shit! We don't 🪓 people! like Russia is doing with 👂! (let we remember that we stand for death penalty when you do mutilation! c) death penalty not necessary remove a crime! See next post
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Well, we need to update the list of people and organisations that stands for propaganda WITHOUT REAL SCIENCE AND FACTS! LINKEDIN STANDS FOR PROPAGANDA! and the EU mafia behind similar topics and they show that exactly today by banning without warning the channel about death penalty facts in Russia! Even if we talk about pro and contras, this means even the mafia available in Russia! But sure they read ANYTHING of what has been written and cited! So Linkedin is going against human rights laws too! LINKEDIN IS GOING AGAINST AT LEAST 3 🇨🇭LAW ARTICLES! Art. 20 Academic freedom Freedom of research and teaching is guaranteed. You are not promoting research by banning research! remember that! and promoting bullshit research! Art. 17 Freedom of the media and Art. 16 Freedom of expression and of information Just another example of basic human rights of UN are NOT respected at all! LinkedIN is going against Article 19 of United Nations too! Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression (in this case is science!); this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. LinkedIN is going against article 26 of UN too! Everyone has the right to education = means getting scientific informations too!
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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 2 Part 1 So the dude is writing history and we need to be honest WHO GIVES A SHIT TO HISTORY! We all know that death penalty in the past have been done with shit! Yes, even death penalty for abortion is SHIT! When in reality ABORTION IS AN HUMAN RIGHT! and abortion should be allowed near assisted suicide and death penalty in the 5-package of human rights! but obviously related to death penalty everyone can choice if doing that, or implementing life sentence without parole + assisted suicide after 10-20 years! So we skip this history part at all! because history is important in some things, but not always ... По оценкам экспертов ООН, приговоров к смертной казни в СССР выносилось больше, чем в любой другой стране, что, однако, никак не повлияло на снижение уровня преступности. According to UN experts, more death sentences were imposed in the USSR than in any other country, which, however, had no effect on reducing the crime rate. a) how did such death penalty got applied? with which method? after how many years? Who where the prisoners? b) related to which crimes? c) we have currently no time to verify such things ... (even because 🇷🇺 websites don't work at all!), we maybe will do that later, but the UN said exactly same bullshit related to 🇺🇸, 🇦🇺 and other countries!!! UN that is based on the bullshit Amnesty is saying or Carolyn Hoyle (which is still 1000x better than Amnesty, but ...) or John Bessler or ... d) like said, such things don't depend just on death penalty yes or no!
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