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Sirojiddin's blog

Ads: @for_ads_RS Personal blog: @blog_of_ze_ticher Kurs bo'yicha admin: @booster_admin1

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Repost from Sirojiddin's blog
Haqiqiy examda tushishi mumkin bo'lgan savollardan foydalanib Listening Multiple Choice savollarini ko'rib chiqamiz:
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Repost from Sirojiddin's blog
Writing Task 2 bo'yicha darsimiz boshlandi. Idea va vocabulary muammos bo'ladigan bo'lsa darsga kiring:
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Sirojiddin's Blog

Ads: @for_ads_RS Personal blog: @blog_of_ze_ticher

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⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ ☹️IDEA muammosi sizda ham bormi?💡 ❗️Bu muammolarni yechishga harakat qilamiz: ✔️ Idea kelmasdan qotib qolish ✔️ Idea bor lekin ularni ochib berolmaslik ✔️ Ideani ochib berish uchun kerakli vocabulary ✔️ Qo'llanma kanal 📆 - BUGUN ⏰ - 🔢🔢 da 📍Dars shu kanalda bo'ladi: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Maxsus kanal Maxsus kanal Maxsus kanal Maxsus kanal
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Sirojiddin's Blog

Ads: @for_ads_RS Personal blog: @blog_of_ze_ticher

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Sirojiddin's Blog

Ads: @for_ads_RS Personal blog: @blog_of_ze_ticher

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Repost from Sirojiddin's blog
🎁 "Pullik darsizda namuma bormi?",-deb so'raganlarga😅 Hozir bo'layotgan Booster kursimdan bitta video darslikni sizlarga ko'rsataman. Video 12 soat ichida o'chib ketadi. Pastdagi link orqali kirib ko'ring. VIDEO LESSON | GIFT GIFT | VIDEO LESSON
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⭕️⭕️⭕️ Yaqin 1-2-3 oy ichida IELTS yoki CEFR imtihoni topshirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, hozir 21:00 da bo'ladigan suhbatga kirishiz shart! Suhbat bu kanalda bo'ladi:
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Haqiqiy imtihonda tushishi mumkin bo'lgan Reading Passage ishlaymiz 5 daqiqadan keyin:
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Imron Kadyrov

✅ Channel was run in 19.01.2023 ... '28 For private messages: @Leeon_msc

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