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Rustamoff | Personal blog

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Yolg'izning yori Ollohdir.
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Same goes to girls?
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😁 10🤣 4👍 2💯 2🤨 1 Tomorrow new academic year starts, Inshaallah. If you have any questions, feel free to ask 🫡
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Анонимные сообщения 🔵

Бот для получения анонимных сообщений в Телеграме Тех. поддержка бота — @botomanager

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Harakatdan to'xtamaymiz! Mayli bugun kino ko'rmaylik. Mayli bugun o'yin o'ynamaylik. Mayli bugun kamroq uxlaylik. Mayli bugun aylanmaylik. Mayli bugun bizni telba "botanik" ga chiqarishsin. Mayli bugun bizni aqldan ozgan deyishsin. Mayli bugun bizni pul topmayotganlikda ayblashsin. Mayli bugun bizga ishonishmasin. Mayli bugun kitob o'qib ko'zlarimiz toliqsin. Mayli bugun insho yozib qo'llarimiz og'risin. Mayli bugun bizni g'iybat qilishsin, jerkishsin, mensishmasin. Ertaga-chi?
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Now I get it. The part of the brain that controls our feelings has no capacity for language. It is this disconnection that makes putting our feelings into words so hard. We have trouble, for example, explaining why we married the person we married. We struggle to put into words the real reasons why we love them, so we talk around it or rationalize it. "She is funny, she is smart" we start. But there are lots of funny and smart people in the world, but we don't love them and we don't want to marry them. There is obviously more to falling in love than just personality and competence. Rationally, we know our explanation is not the real reason. It is how our loved ones make us feel, but those feelings are really hard to put into words. So when pushed, we start to talk around it. We may even say things that don't make any rational sense. "She completes me" we might say, for example. What does that mean and how do you look for someone who does that so you can marry them? That's the problem with love; we only know when we have found it because it "just feels right". — "Start with WHY" @Rustamoff_blog
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Once you see the truth, sleeping is a crime.
- said Mr. Arcy about 2 years ago.
Man agar baholarim past bo'ladigan bo'lsa, universitetim mani scholarshipimni olib qo'yishardi va man Amerikadagi o'qishimni tashlab ketishga majbur bo'lardim.
- said Umidjon Ishmukhammedov in one of his speeches. I guess I am slowly getting what they truly mean. Fear. The reason to go on. The reason to not give up. The reason to push harder. I am currently reading a book named "Start with WHY" in which the author says most people give up on their dreams so fast because they know WHAT they are doing, HOW they are doing, but never find out WHY they are doing it. The answer should be FEAR. When you fear something may happen, you do your best to prevent it. For example, before driving a car, you take on the seat belt. Why? Not because it is against the rules, but because you fear, you fear of death. Fear, I tell you, is the best driving source, best source of motivation. So, fear guys, fear something. Learn to use it for your own advantage. @Rustamoff_blog
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🤣 11😁 4 1👾 1 Any questions? How was summer for you?
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Анонимные сообщения 🔵

Бот для получения анонимных сообщений в Телеграме Тех. поддержка бота — @botomanager

Chunki Sen BORSAN, ALLOH... Naqadar go'zal usulda yozilgan ajoyib kitob. Kitobni o'qir ekansiz, Allohning qanchalar bizga yaqin, qanchalar mehribon va rahmdil, har narsani eshituvchi va ko'ruvchi buyuk zot ekanini, olamni qanchalar mukammal va o'ziga xos tarzda yaratganini va boshqa juda ko'p dalillarni bilib olasiz. Kitobda 10ga yaqin Allohning go'zal ismlarining ta'rifi va mohiyati juda chiroyli dalillar, qiziq hikoyalar va Payg'ambarlar tarixidan ibratli voqealar asosida yoritib berilgan. 99 mehri va fazilatidan atigi 1 donasini bu dunyoga berib, qolgan 98tasini Oxirat kuni uchun olib qo'ygan Parvardigori olamning ismlari va ularning sifatlarini o'rganish har bir musulmon inson uchun zarur ekan. Kitobni o'qib tugatganingizdan so'ng duo qilishga kamida 5 marta ko'proq vaqt sarflaydigan va chiroyli va go'zal duolar qiladigan bo'lasiz, Inshaalloh 😇. Niyat qildim: kimga kitob sovg'a qiladigan bo'lsam endi bu kitob birinchilar qatorida turadi, chunki #nega_avvalroq_bu_kitob_haqida_bilmagan_ekanmanaa deydigan turkumdan ekan 🙂 Mayli, hammaga maroqli mutolaa tilayman 🕊 @Rustamoff_blog
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Dengizda bo'ron tursa, Allohga yolvoramiz. Qirg'oqqa chiqib olsak, Yana yo'ldan toyamiz. Osmonlarda uchamiz, Sog'-salomat tushamiz. Halok bo'lib ketmadik, Chunki Robbimiz Hafiyz.
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