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Bullshit from Amnesty about death sentence / Cazzate di Amnesty sulla pena di morte / Conneries d'Amnesty sur la peine de mort

It's time that human rights for those who don't respect human rights get listed and the death sentence get discussed not like a tabu or with bullshit! @WomenRightsTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @DeathSentenceFAQ @AmnestyPropaganda

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Amnesty, what is now your excuses to this fact about death penalty and homicides in America / USA that you are not showing at all! Plus this show again your bullshit about Canada too! No matter if done by Amnesty or Carolyn Hoyle (University of Oxford / Death Penalty Project) Like said, we cover all hidden facts that such mafious researchers ARE NOT SHARING AT ALL! Which is just a shame for Europe! No only a mafia related to lethal dosis sell ban! and obviously a full 💤 about related topics! Again we don't stand with corrupted @DeathPenaltyMafia and bullshit facts by @AmnestyFacts We are science. THE TRUE SCIENCE! and with neutrality!
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In Europe? 3 life sentences in 3 years or maybe even never ... 🤦‍♂️ when we prefer to give 💴 sentences ... If such dudes deserve life is another question ... she is talking about single murders (like killing the mother) ... We need to be honest too, homicides where ALWAYS lower in Europe in the last time! If America had a bit less than 10 in 1900, Europe was ⅓ or so! So don't take the excuse "but America has more because of death penalty!" when all (= last executions and bans) in Europe happened after 1940 ... So already before that homicides where higher in USA!
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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 5 Part 1 1988‒2002 UN study ... Well this is bullshit and we already talked about before! to Not only this contains GOOD INFORMATIONS IGNORED BY AMNESTY, but even bullshit facts by Carolyn Hoyle So this is the best example HOW AMNESTY IS JUST PROMOTING BULLSHIT WORLDWIDE! even in Russia! They just check the shit they want and SKIP ALL OTHER INFORMATIONS! Obviously they don't verify anything! WE CLEARLY STAND AGAINST AMNESTY BULLSHIT! and it's time to stop this crime of bullshit to governments and UN! Until Amnesty start to share real facts, they have NO RIGHT anymore to promote bullshit! Plus let we remember IS NOT JUST ABOUT REDUCING NEW CRIMES BY NEW PERSON! but even reducing new crimes by the same criminals! При исследовании статистики преступности давно установлено, что количество убийств и иных тяжких преступлений в любой стране на протяжении длительного времени остается приблизительно одинаковым, иногда даже снижается, несмотря на наличие или отсутствие в ней смертной казни. Как говорил Уинстон Черчилль, «если убить убийцу, число убийц не изменится». When studying crime statistics, it has long been established that the number of murders and other serious crimes in any country remains approximately the same for a long time, sometimes even decreasing, despite the presence or absence of the death penalty in it. As Winston Churchill said, “If you kill a murderer, the number of murderers will not change.” a) stats are SHIT! to b) crimes are not related to death penalty! and there is no way to show that with science at all!
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Amnesty 🇪🇸 1:1 pena de muerte / death penalty Part 7 Part 1 So again, AMNESTY AND CAROLYN HOYLE (= University of Oxford) ARE FAKE SCIENCE AND INFOS! where Carolyn is 1000x better than Amnesty BUT STILL YEARS AWAY FROM BEING PERFECT! Not just them, even John Bessler and co. are BULLSHIT! Please don't come here with BULLSHIT SCIENCE ABOUT HOMICIDES! since we already verified all such things previously! and we are even ready to verify other things if needed! 🖇🤡 This means even LESS BULLSHIT ABOUT RECIDIVISM! or considering some crimes less "worse" since you keep eyes closed about all what is happening BEFORE OR AFTER THE CRIME! Related etc. The difference between us and the other two? We share both sides, even if we support death penalty for SOME (not all) crimes! and we are not saying YOU NEED TO IMPLEMENT THAT PUNTO E BASTA! Because even implementing that, doesn't mean implementing that for all crimes or or or! Everyone can do what he wants BUT ONLY AFTER CONSIDERING ALL FACTS! not bullshit! and ALL POINT OF VIEWS! not just from a criminal point of view, forgetting guards, innocent killed, homeless, etc! Check all previous one to one: 8. Acuerdos internacionales para la abolición de la pena de muerte YES EXACTLY 🇪🇺 EUROPE IS A GREAT MAFIA! Not just related to death penalty! Innocent
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Amnesty 🇪🇸 1 to 1 about pena de muerte / death penalty facts Part 6 Part 1 El efecto de la abolición en los índices de delincuencia - The effect of abolition on crime rates En Canadá, por ejemplo, el índice de homicidios por 100.000 habitantes descendió del 3,09 en 1975, el nivel máximo alcanzado y correspondiente al año anterior a la abolición de la pena de muerte para el delito de asesinato, al 2,41 en 1980, y desde entonces ha descendido aún más. En 2002, 26 años después de la abolición de la pena capital, el índice de homicidios era del 1,85 por 100.000 habitantes, un 40 por ciento inferior al de 1975. In Canada, for example, the homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants fell from 3.09 in 1975, the highest level reached and corresponding to the year before the abolition of the death penalty for the crime of murder, to 2.41 in 1980. , and has since fallen even further. In 2002, 26 years after the abolition of capital punishment, the homicide rate was 1.85 per 100,000 inhabitants, 40 percent lower than in 1975. Here we go! THIS IS BULLSHIT OF AMNESTY AND CAROLYN HOYLE! Backup 🖇🤡 and WE DON'T SUPPORT SUCH BULLSHIT AT ALL! So again Carolyn Hoyle, you are not fully bad! BUT YOU ARE NOT PERFECT TOO! WE DON'T SUPPORT MAFIOUS RESEARCHER! Share all facts and share TRUE FACTS! not just half of the informations by posting Table 9.1 Australia: Murder and manslaughter, rate per 100,000 persons, 1993–2005 when THIS IS AFTER!!! LAST EXECUTION OR THE BAN! without showing WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE THAT OR DURING THAT!
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Amnesty 🇪🇸 1 to 1 about pena de muerte / death penalty facts Part 4 Part 1 So Carolyn Hoyle in this part of the book IS NOT writing bad things! It's exactly like what we are saying! THERE IS NO EVIDENCE FOR BEING PRO OR CONTRA RELATED TO THE TOPIC DETERRENT! but don't come here with the bullshit "no death penalty = less homicides!" BECAUSE THIS IS BULLSHIT! 🖇🤡 and we said previously, Carolyn is not considering all point of views and sometimes is writing bullshit, but she is doing still a better job than Amnesty! For, as Dezhbakhsh and Shepherd recognize, executions also have costs: ‘these include the harm from the death penalty’s possibly discriminatory application and the risk of executing innocent people. Policy makers must weigh the benefits and costs to determine the optimal use of the death penalty’ Read such posts What she is writing: First, there is the problem of sufficient data. First, the percentage of people sentenced to death in the United States who actually are executed is minute so the data will always seem insufficient!! Second...the executions that do occur are disproportionately centered in a few states—indeed, close to a majority in a single state—so the various effects of skewing hamper sound empirical inference-drawing. The inference drawn is that the fear of capital punishment rather than long imprisonment will not restrain those who are apt to commit murder, because murder usually arises from an explosion of temper or loss of control, from mental illness or defective personality, or from panic when faced with imminent capture. Why exactly JUST TALKING ABOUT MURDERS!!! IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT MURDERS! We find that the existing evidence for deterrence is surprisingly fragile ... See next post
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Amnesty 🇪🇸 1 to 1 about pena de muerte / death penalty facts Part 3 Part 1 "Nor is there any reason to change the judgment made in 1985 that the data ‘are not sufficiently strong to lead researchers with different prior beliefs to reach a consensus regarding the deterrent effects of capital punishment" "Most of those who favour abolition (assuming that they are not opposed to execution under any circumstances) would demand proof that executions have a substantial marginal deterrent effect" NOPE! WE GIVE A SHIT TO DETERRENT! Is NOT HUGE important for serious criminals! RECIDIVISM IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT! and we know that with death penalty WE KILL RECIDIVISM 100%! Do we keep in prison people that maybe will not do the same crime again? Well THIS IS PART OF THE SAFETY! and we do that with a life sentence too! Human Rights and Safety of the population = high recidivism risk = high prison escape or whatever > Human Rights of Serious Criminals! doesn't matter if Breivik will or will not redo a terror attack! BREIVIK IS A SERIOUS RISK and many other criminals are even a serious risk! even if there is the possibility he will never do that again! DOESN'T MATTER! POPULATION > SERIOUS CRIMINALS! FOREVER! Plus the real question is deterrent of which type of crime, with which reason????! Why always just talking about deterrent!! Like we do with climate change, talking about average and saying that a baby is polluting exactly like a rich person 🤦‍♂️! This is NOT science and facts! This is just 💩! No matter what, Carolyn Hoyle in this part of the book IS NOT writing bad things! It's exactly like what we are saying! See next post
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Amnesty 🇪🇸 1 to 1 about pena de muerte / death penalty facts Part 5 Part 1 The estimated effects of capital punishment on homicide rates change dramatically even with small changes in econometric specifications!!! LIKE WE SAID! is not just about "death penalty yes or no"! It's MORE COMPLEX! Fourth, have all the relevant variables been taken into account when attempt- ing to control for those other factors that might affect both the homicide rate and the execution rate? EXACTLY!!! Factors that may affect the homicide rate, outside gun ownership, are difficult to measure because they are facets of the more general social climate and culture, such as migration, the effectiveness of informal social controls, the extent of alcohol abuse, the availability and price of illegal drugs, the degree of communal integration, and the extent to which there is a ‘sub-culture of violence’ or alternative modes of relieving frustrations other than violence ... etc. At least Carolyn Hoyle has brain and cite such things! instead OF IGNORING LIKE AMNESTY! Reason why Carolyn Hoyle is 1000x better than Amnesty! BUT still not perfect! sharing all points or facts ... Yet, ‘None of the new deterrence studies consider the epidemics of drug use and related violence" 🤦‍♂️ .... What about cannabis??? Let we remember positive correlation between cannabis and homicides, if we exclude poor US states ... Does this mean cannabis increase homicides? NOPE! It's just correlation! NOT A FACT! Like death penalty cannot be correlated in the same way! In summary: "... no es prudente aceptar la hipótesis de que la pena capital tenga un mayor poder disuasorio sobre los asesinatos que la amenaza y aplicación de la cadena perpetua, pena supuestamente inferior" IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT THIS; THERE IS MUCH MORE BEHIND! and who wrote this book is saying such things too
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Amnesty 🇪🇸 1 to 1 about pena de muerte / death penalty facts Part 1 Una vez que se ha abolido la pena de muerte, rara vez se restablece ... Once the death penalty has been abolished, it is rarely reinstated. Obviously IF THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE AT ALL! and there is even 🇪🇺 EU MAFIA! using 🇪🇺 council and other mafia methods to contrast that with bullshit facts 🖇🤡 ℹ️ Would be time that people DO A CLEAR DISTINCTION BETWEEN TYPE / DEEP / REASON OF CRIMES! instead of putting all criminals in just one 🗑! which is NOT the case at all! En el año 2003, el 84 por ciento de todas las ejecuciones de las que se tuvo noticia tuvieron lugar en China, Estados Unidos, Irán y Vietnam. In 2003, 84 percent of all reported executions took place in China, the United States, Iran and Vietnam. Who gives a shit where they are applied! Check Los tratados internacionales para la protección de los derechos humanos prohíben condenar a muerte a toda persona menor de 18 años en el momento de cometerse el delito. International treaties for the protection of human rights prohibit sentencing to death anyone under 18 years of age at the time of the crime. Yes, young people deserve death penalty, exactly like women or other, if such people are serious criminals with high recidivism! Young people are criminal EXACTLY LIKE ADULTS! or even much worse in some cases! See next post
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Amnesty 🇪🇸 1 to 1 about pena de muerte / death penalty facts Part 2 Part 1 Los estudios científicos realizados no han podido nunca encontrar pruebas convincentes que demuestren que la pena capital tiene mayor poder disuasorio frente a la delincuencia que otros castigos. Scientific studies have never been able to find convincing evidence that capital punishment has a greater deterrent power against crime than other punishments Yes, BUT EVEN THE OPPOSITE!!!!! because this cannot be showed with science! and don't forget that such things DEPENDS FROM A LOT OF FACTORS!!! to It's like saying "if we give condoms for free, there are no pregnant women anymore" which would be just BULLSHIT! Plus is NOT just about deterrent! "The evidence reviewed in this chapter should lead any dispassionate analyst to conclude that it is not prudent to accept the hypothesis that capital punishment, as practised in the United States, deters murder to a marginally greater extent than does the threat and application of the supposedly lesser punishment of life imprisonment" Who wrote that? Carolyn Hoyle! a researcher BEING PART OF THIS MAFIA WRITING BULLSHIT! like we showed previously! but still 1000x better than Amnesty! Let we check what she is writing "the non-experimental research to which the study of the deterrent effects of capital punishment is necessarily limited will almost certainly be unable to meet those standards of proof" "The only scientifically and ethically acceptable conclusion from the complete body of existing social science literature on deterrence and the death penalty is that it is impossible to tell whether deterrent effects are strong or weak or whether they exist at all . . . " See next post
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