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📝 Mathematics For freshman ✅Teacher Guide 📚This will be helpfull for some tricky questions. 📝 2016 ፍሬሽ ማን እና remedial የሆናችሁ ገባ ገባ 👇👇👇 👇👇👇👇👇 @freshmanebook @freshmanebook @freshmanebook
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Maths teacher guide.pdf3.06 MB
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📚 Teacher's Guide 📚 Communicative English Skill I Join at and share🙏🙏 👇👇👇 @freshmanebook @freshmanebook @freshmanebook
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Teacher's Guide Communicative English I.pdf4.38 KB
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📚ዩኒቨርስቲዎቻችን ከመጀመሪያ ትውልድ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች እስከ 4ተኛው ትውልድ ድረስ  አስቀምጠንላቹሃል 📊ለመሆኑ የዩኒቨርስቲዎች የ ትዉልድ ደረጃ ምንድነው? የዩኒቨርስቲዎች የ ትዉልድ ደረጃ በ አመሰራርት የጊዜ ሂደት ዩኒቨርስቲዎችን በቅደም ተከትል እንደአንጋፋነታቸው የማስቀምጥ ሂደት ነው።ከተመሰረቱ ብዙ አመታትን ያስቆጠሩ ዩንቨርስቲዎች ብዙ ነገሮችን ያሟላሉ ተብሎ ስለሚታሰብ በብዙዎች ዘንድ ተመራጭ ያደርጋቸዋል #በ1ኛ_ትውልድ   ✔️ addis ababa university   ✔️Arba Minch University   ✔️Bahirdar University.   ✔️University of Gondar   ✔️Hawassa University   ✔️Haramaya University   ✔️Jimma University   ✔️Mekele University የሁለተኛ ትውልድ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች    ✔️ Dila University    ✔️ Dire dawa University    ✔️Jijiga University    ✔️ Mede welabo University    ✔️ASTU    ✔️Debra Markos University    ✔️Aksum University    ✔️Debra Birhan University    ✔️Wollega University    ✔️Wollo University    ✔️Mizan Teppi University    ✔️Mekdela Amba University    ✔️Ambo University    ✔️ Semera University   ✔️ kotebe motrop. University   #የ3ኛ ትውልድ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች   ✔️Adigrat University   ✔️Mattu University   ✔️Woldia University   ✔️Wolkite University   ✔️Debratebor University   ✔️Wachamo University   ✔️Assosa University   ✔️Aastu University   ✔️Arsi University   ✔️ Gambela University   ✔️ bulehora University   ✔️ walita sodo university #በ4ኛ_ትውልድ ✔️Jinka University ✔️Bonga University ✔️Worabe University ✔️Injibara University ✔️Debark University ✔️Mekdela Amba University ✔️Raya University ✔️Dembidolo University ✔️Selale University Oda Bultum University Borna university 2016 ፍሬሽ ማን እና remedial የሆናችሁ ገባ ገባ 👇👇👇 👇👇👇👇👇 @freshmanebook @freshmanebook @freshmanebook
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📚 የመጀመርያ አመት ተማሪዎች በመጀመርያ እና በሁለተኛ ሴሚስተር semister 1. 📚 Communicative English 1 2. 📚 Geography 3. 📚 physcholgy 4. 📚 Logic And critical Thinking 5. 📚Physical Fitness 6. 📚general physics 7. 📚Economics 8.📚 Maths for natural. 9.📚 Maths for social 📌 second semester ! 10.📚Inclusiveness 11.📚Introduction to Emerging Technology 12. 📚 Anthropology 13.📚 Global trend 14.📚 Civic and moral education 15.📚 General chemistry 16.📚 General biology 17.📚 Entrepreneurship 18.📚 Histroy of ethiopia and horn africa 19. 📚 applied maths one 20.📚 Communicative English 2 እነዚህ በየዮኒቨርስቲዎቹ ለፍሬሽ ማን ተማሪዎች የሚሰጡ ኮርሶች ናቸው ፤ እንደየግቢዎቹ የመጀመርያ እና ሁለተኛ ሴሚስተር የሚሰጡት ይለያያሉ ፤ አንዳንድ ግቢዎች መጀመርያ ሴሚስተር የሚሰጠው ሌሎች ጋር በሁለተኛ ሴሚስተር ይሰጣል ። 2016 ፍሬሽ ማን እና remedial የሆናችሁ ገባ ገባ 👇👇👇 👇👇👇👇👇 @freshmanebook @freshmanebook @freshmanebook
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📚የ 2015 freshman course first semester በተለያዩ ግቢዎች ይሄንን ይመሥል ነበረ። ✳️ Addis ababa university 📌Natural science 1General mathematics 2physics 3psychology 4Geography 5Logic 6Commulicative English 7Physical fitness 📌Social Courses 1English 2Civics 3Economics 4Global trends 5Anthropology 6Entrepreneurship ✳️ Bahirdar university 📌for social science 1Emerging technology 2 Economics 3 Global trend 4 Entrepreneurship 5 Social Antropology 5  communicative English skill1 📌For  natural 1Physical fit 2mathematics 3English 4Geography 5physics 6psychology 7Logic and critical ✳️Hawassa university 📌natural 1.Logical and critical thinking Anthropology 3.General physics 4.physical fitness 5.communicative English 6.lntroduction to emerging thechnology 7.Mathimatics for natural 📌 for social 1 english 2 psychology 3 emerging technology 4 economics 5 logic and  critical thinking 6 geography of Ethiopian and the horn ✳️ዲላ ዩንቨርሲቲ 📌ናቹራል 1,communicative english 2,general biology 3,general psychology 4,maths for natural 5,logic and critical.... 6,physical fitness 7,geograpy of ethiopia and the horn ✳️መቅደል አምባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ 📌 Natural science 1 physics 2 mathematics 3 English 4 geography 5 critical thinking 6 psychology 7 physical fitness ✳️ wollega university   📌Natural science 1general biology, 2basic mathematics for natural science 3geography of Ethiopia & the horn, 4critical thinking, 5general psychology and life skills 6 communicative english skill 1 7physical fitness ✳️Wolayita sodo 📌Natural science 1Communicative English 1 2General physics 3General psychology 4Mathematics for natural science 5Logic & critical thinking 6Geography of Ethiopia and the horn 7Physical fitness ✳️DILLA UNIVERSITY 📌Natural science 1COMUNICATIVE ENGLISH SKILL 2GENERAL BIOLOGY 3GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY 4LOGIC&CRITICAL THINKING 5PHYSICAL FITNESS 6MATHS FOR NATURAL SCINCE 7GEOGRAPY ✳️ Debremarkos university የዚ ደግሞ ይለያል 📌FOR a natural science 1Antrophology 2Civics 3Entrepreneurship 4Psychology 5 G physics 6emerging technology 7Communcative English 8Maths for NS ✅ WOLKITE UNIVERSITY 📌 Natural science 1 physics 2 mathematics 3 English 4 geography 5 critical thinking 6 psychology 7 physical fitness ✅jimma University 📌 Natural science 1 physics 2 mathematics 3 English 4 geography 5 critical thinking 6 psychology 7 physical fitness ✅AASTU Applide maths 1 General phy General chem Introduction to computing Physical fitness Communicative English ✅HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY 📌 Natural science 1 physics 2 mathematics 3 English 4 geography 5 critical thinking 6 psychology 7 physical fitness ♻️ Jinka university        🔰Ns Physics Mathematics Psychology Communicative English Geography Critical thinking Physical fitness    🔰Social science Geography Mathematics for social Economics Communicative English Physical fitness Psychology Critical thinking ♻️Wachamo     🔰Natural  Psychology Logic and critical thinking Geography C English 1 G physics Maths Physical fitness ♻️Mattu University    🔰natural science 1 mathematics 2 physics 3 logic and critical thinking 4 geography 5 physical fitness 6 chemistry 7 english skill 1         🔰 social science 1 psychology 2 english skill 1 3 logic and critical thinking 4 economic 5 geography 6 social anthropology ♻️ Debrebirhan            🔰Social science 1.ecnomics 2.logic 3.maths 4.psychology 5.communicative English skill 1 6.geography 7.physical fitness 2016 ፍሬሽ ማን እና remedial የሆናችሁ ገባ ገባ 👇👇👇 👇👇👇👇👇 @freshmanebook @freshmanebook @freshmanebook
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#InspireYourFriendChallenege #shareforYourClassmates/friends #መልካምምኞት አደራ የ 12ኛ ክፍል መልቀቂያ ውጤት ለሚጠባበቁ 5 ጓደኞቻችሁ share አድርጉላቸው። 🙏 ሰላም ጓደኛዬ! 👋 ክረምቱ እንዴት ይዞሃል/ይዞሻል? ጥሩ ጊዜ እያሳለፍክ/ሽ እንደሆነ እጠብቃለሁ። ታውቃለህ/ሽ አብረን ያሳለፍናቸው እነዚያ የelementary, high school እና preparatory school ጊዜያት ሁሌም ከአዕምሮዬ አይጠፉም ፣ ሁሌም ከጊዜ ጋር እንደ ወይን ጣዕማቸው እያደር ይጨምራል ። ለ 12 ዓመት ተምረን በስተመጨረሻ ከትልቁ ህልማችን ጋር ወደምንገናኝበት ዩንቨርሲቲ ልንገባ ጥቂት ወራት ቀርተዋል ። ከፈጣሪ ፍቃድ ጋር ደግሞ ግቢም ገብተን አብሮነታችንን ከስኬቶቻችን ጋር ብናስቀጥል በጣም ደስ ይለኛል። እኔ በበኩሌ በጣም ቸኩያለሁ። በዚህ አስጨናቂ ወቅት መንፈሳችንን ከፍ እናድርግ እናም እርስ በርስ እንደጋገፍ። እያንዳንዱ አስጨናቂ ሁኔታ አዳዲስ አጋጣሚዎችን እንደሚያስገኝ አንዘንጋ ። ውጤቱ ምንም ይሁን ምን፣ በዚህ አብረን ነን፣ እናም ብሩህ ቀን ከፊታችን ይጠብቀናል። ግቢ ከመግባታችን በፊትም ሆነ በዩኒቨርሲቲ ቆይታችን ስኬታማ እንዲንሆን ደግሞ Havan Academy የተለያዩ ፕሮግራሞችን ይዞ መስራት ከጀመረ ዓመታትን አስቆጥሯል። ለአብነት ያክል EUTP(Ethiopian University Transition Program):- ስለ ግቢ life መረጃና ልምድ እምናገኝበት ፤ Freshman courses :- ጥራት ያላቸው የፍሬሽማን ሌክችሮችን የምናገኝበት እንዲሁም የተለያዩ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች COC እና UAT(University Admission Test) :- ለአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የመግቢያ ፈተና ዝግጅት ፕሮግራሞችን በጥራት ይሰጣል። በተለይ በአሁኑ ሰአት EUTPን የ''Havan Tube" YouTube ቻናልን join በማድረግ ከወዲሁ አጠቃላይ ስለ ግቢ life Tips and Experience እንድታይ እመክራለሁ። መልካሙን ሁሉ እመኝልሃለሁ/ሻለሁ! የ 12ኛ ክፍል መልቀቂያ ውጤት ለሚጠባበቁ 5 ጓደኞቻችሁ share አድርጉላቸው። Havan Academy! "የመረጡት ስኬታማ ሆነዋል!" Telegram | YouTube | TikTok | Website
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