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🇬🇧 Kid's English 🇬🇧

Канал где вы найдёте множество идей для занятий с маленькими детьми Английским. Админ канала: @tashzu

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School things🌈 от English Worksheet
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Hooray! I’ve successfully advanced to the 2nd stage of the English Teachers Olympiad on Digital Awareness! Now I have to work on my lesson plan and submit it to the judges.
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I was thinking about evaluating my students' knowledge and decided to create a Jeopardy game. 🎮 The task is to choose a question number and answer it! This project is designed for 5th grade students and is based on the Family and Friends curriculum. 👧👦 🇬🇧 Kid's English 🇬🇧 @kids_english_uz
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✨ Irregular Verbs in 3 Weeks! ✨ The list isn’t in alphabetical order, but grouped by sound similarities 🎶. I’ve split it into 5 days per week 📅, so students can learn all the verbs in just 3 weeks! 📝 What do you think of this approach? 🤔 Would you apply it in your classroom? 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫
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👨‍🏫 Ingliz tili o‘qituvchilarining professional darajasini oshirish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat! 🎯 Pathways to Excellence 2024 onlayn Malaka oshirish kursiga taklif etamiz! Maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi vazirligi tomonidan Britaniya Kengashi hamda Abdulla Avloniy nomidagi milliy-tadqiqot instituti bilan hamkorlikda ingliz tili o‘qituvchilari uchun malaka oshirish kurslari tashkil etilmoqda. ⏳Kurs Britaniya Kengashining "Online Teacher Community" platformasida 10 hafta davom etadi. Mazkur kasbiy rivojlanish dasturi orqali: O‘qitish darajangizni oshirish, Hamkasblar bilan tajriba almashish, Darslar uchun haftasiga taxminan 3 soat ajratish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lasiz. 🤩O‘qituvchilik faoliyatingizni yangi cho'qqilarga olib chiqishga tayyormisiz? Unda ushbu loyiha aynan siz uchun! 👉 Ro'yxatdan o'tish Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish 2024yil 20-sentyabrga qadar davom etadi. 🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan
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👨‍🏫 Exciting Professional Development Opportunity for English Teachers! 🎯 Pathways to Excellence 2024 ⏳The British Council, in partnership with the A. Avloniy Research Institute, cordially invites English teachers from the schools to join our 10-week professional development course. This program is hosted on the British Council's Online Teacher Community platform. What to expect: Elevate your teaching skills Share your expertise with fellow educators Dedicate about 3 hours per week for studying 🤩Ready to take your teaching career to new heights? 👉Click the link to discover more details, apply, and secure your spot today! Application deadline is 20 September, 2024. 🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan
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👍 1
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.