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Folkish Croatia

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The Utopia of Terror: Life and Death in Wartime Croatia Edited by Rory Yeomans In an article of 1995 about cultural politics in the Independent State of Croatia, Dubravko Jelčić wrote that the authentic “European, idealistic, and creative” values of Croatia were embodied in the state and its cultural politics. What makes the Ustasha state different from other fascist states in Hitler’s new Europe is the extent to which the evolution of cultural policy reflected the course of the state’s terror against minorities. The campaign of economic destruction, terror, and mass killing unleashed by Ustasha militias in the countryside and economic ministries in the cities to purify the nation of “undesired” elements was a necessary precondition, according to Ustasha ideologues, for the construction of a national community founded on the principles of discipline, work, social justice, and the transformation of the individual into an Ustasha subject imbued with the principles of “Croatian socialism.”
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"Communism and capitalism, they are one and the same - the two hands of Satan." —Einar Laigna "Communism rots the body, capitalism rots the soul." —Tomislav Sunić Sub to my friend's channel @estweltanschauung
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👍 26🔥 4 3
Repost from Europe-Action
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Honour our heroes! 🔥 🇦🇹 The Battle of Vienna on September 12, 1683, on Kahlenberg Hill, ended the second siege of Vienna by the Turks. ⚔️ This decisive defeat of the Ottomans was the starting point of a 16-year military campaign that allowed the Habsburgs to retake the territories of Hungary and Croatia, ending the Ottoman threat in Central Europe. 🇵🇱 The Polish King Jan III Sobieski and his heavy cavalry, who arrived during the battle, brutally broke through the Ottoman lines in an irresistible charge, winning this victory. Europe is European! ⚡️
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👍 20 8
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"The battle for Siget is the battle that saved European civilization." —Armand Jean du Plessis de Rechelieu, French cardinal and minister After the one-month siege of Siget and the heroic defense of Nikola Šubić Zrinski, Vizier Sokolović tries to negotiate the surrender of the defenders of the Siget fortress and offers Nikola Šubić Zrinski to spare his imprisoned son and the whole of Croatia. Šubić-Zrinski refused all the offers and started the last assault on September 7, 1566. First he fired from the hand cannon, and then he continued to cut down the Turks with his saber. In an unequal battle, the Ottomans hit Zrinski three times with arquebuses, twice in the body and once in the head. When he fell from his horse, his knights surrounded him to defend him. Among others, nobles Vuk Papratović, Nikola Kobač, Petar Patačić, Lovro Juranić and Đorđe Pozojević died. @FolkishCroatia
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❤‍🔥 15 5
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“In his political farsightedness he did not seek contacts with politicians, but with great men, with the leader of Italy and with the leader of the German people … God who dissects the destiny of nations and controls the hearts of Kings has given us Dr. Ante Pavelic and moved the leader of a friendly and allied people, Adolf Hitler, to use his victorious troops to disperse our oppressors and enable us to create the Independent State of Croatia. Glory be to God, our gratitude to Adolf Hitler and infinite love and loyalty to chief Dr. Ante Pavelic!” - Dr. Felix Niedzielski, appointed president of the Crusader Organization for Banja Luka by Abp. Stepinac in 1937 (Nedelja, April 27, 1941).
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🔥 14👍 2 1❤‍🔥 1
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"I think that Europe would breathe a sigh of relief, [...], if the principle of national self-determination became extraordinarily consolidated, and if the principle of living space [Lebensraum] extended to non-European areas. On the contrary, I maintain that Europe must pass a disastrous path if it plays with, and leads to absurdity, the principle of national self-determination, and excludes the non-European area from European demands for living space." —Ivan Oršanić (Hrvatska Smotra, "Self-determination and living space", 1939) @FolkishCroatia
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"Under no circumstances can Marx's idiotic attacks on the Croatian people be "completely founded", "completely justified" and that is why it is precisely incomprehensible how Marxists, who are so proud of their "revolutionaryness", can defend Marx's so nasty and so reactionary with such zeal point of view and in the Croatian country to perform such a shameful role of defending the greatest enemy of our peasant and working people. Because truly no one has so far publicly and openly sought the destruction of the Croatian nation as Marx in the "Neue Rheinische Zeitung" and "New York Tribune" and as the communists and socialists continue to seek it, who consciously and calculatedly pursue the nation's ruin and the disappearance of our folk culture." —Vilko Rieger (Hrvatska smotra, Marx's morality and Croats, 1934) @FolkishCroatia
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26🔥 3 2
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"The Jews are the ones who morally destroy our national community. In today's difficult times, when every nation closes itself in the circle of its own interests, it is necessary for the Croatian nation to radically get rid of all the elements that are foreign to our national soul. Jews, Freemasons and various Marxists have nothing in common with the feelings and soul of our people." From the newspaper "Croatian Worker" (Hrvatski radnik), September, 1940 @FolkishCroatia
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Repost from Europe-Action
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“Fascist workers join our ranks!” A propaganda poster for the ‘Fédération d'action nationale et européenne’, or FANE. The Pan-European movement was founded by bank employee and ex-paratrooper Mark Fredriksen in 1966. It was dissolved in 1987.
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Croats in the defense of Belgrade: In the siege of Belgrade in 1440, Croats played a major role with the leader of the Hungarian-Croatian army under the command of Ivan Talovec, a Hungarian-Croatian nobleman. In that battle, the Christian forces repelled the powerful attacks of Murat II. who attacked Belgrade with a large army. A small Croatian army of a few hundred soldiers repulsed the Turkish army. --- In 1456, Nikola Iločki and St. John of Capistrano recruited and led part of the Croatian soldiers in the defense of Belgrade. The Turkish forces, although more numerous, could not break the Christian defense of the city. --- 1688. The effort of the Habsburg army to liberate Belgrade after its fall in 1521 paid off. The Turkish army was defeated, the Croats who fought along the Danube successfully made their way to the center of Belgrade and, together with their allies, liberated the city for 2 years. @FolkishCroatia
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