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Beyond Liberalism

Traditionalist channel. Posts are from the perspective of Traditional Perennialism and Traditionalist Christianity (Catholic and Orthodox) along with Eurasianism and Elite Theory.

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The Negro-German vs The Judeo-English Werner Sombart professed that the German spirit saw communion and harmony with other traditional cultures including those of the negroes, however, he was resolutely clear that the German spirit could have no fellowship with any people who embodied the spirit of capitalism. Sombart stated: "The German spirit in a Negro is quite as much within the realm of possibility as the Negro spirit in a German. The antithesis of the German spirit, however, is the Jewish spirit, which is not a matter of being born Jewish or believing in Judaism but is a capitalistic spirit. The English people possess the Jewish spirit and the chief task of the German people and National Socialism is to destroy the Jewish spirit." - Werner Sombart —————————————————— Click here to read: Traders and Heroes: Patriotic Reflections —————————————————— RELATED POST: Why do you fight the Germans?
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In America, what asserts itself here and there in as spontaneous way and in the context of "freedom," is the same style that the centralized structures of the communist state try to realize in a violent way. Moreover, in the appalling size of the American metropolis, in which the individual (the "nomad of the asphalt") realizes his nothingness before the immense reign of quantity, before the groups, trusts, and omnipotent standards, before the jungle of skyscrapers and factories, while the dominators are chained to the very things they dominate — in all this the collective dimension is increasingly revealed in a greater form of anonymity than in the tyranny exercised by the Soviet system over its primitive and abulic subjects. — Julius Evola, The End of the Cycle
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White identity in America is ideology, not biology. The history of 'whiteness' proves it. The idea of one big white race did not just spring to life full-blown and unchanging, which is what most people assume — and white supremacists rely on. The construction of whiteness has its own history. That history includes white people who think of themselves as individuals without a meaningful racial identity as well as white nationalists and Klansmen parading around in theirs. There's so much more to the history of white people. Americans still struggle to understand that race is an ideology, not a "biological fact". It is more like witchcraft than empirical science. Just as difficult to grasp, it seems, is the idea that our idea of one big white race, which you’re either in or out of, is less than a century old. Whiteness is severely under theorized, leaving millions unaware of a history whose constant characteristic is change. Whiteness has changed over time, over place, and in the myriad situations of human thinking. Neither scholars nor ordinary people have been able to agree upon the definition of white people — who is white and who is not — nor on the number of races or ethnic groups that count as white. Disagreement reigns and has reigned since the modern scientific notion of human races was invented in the 18th-century during the Enlightenment period. Before the Enlightenment, people classified themselves and others according to clan, tribe, kingdom, locale, religion and an infinity of identities dependent on what people thought was important about themselves and others. Before the Enlightenment, Europeans could see human difference, they could see who was tall, who short, who light-skinned, who dark, differences they explained according to religion, cultural habits, geography, wealth and climate, among the most usual characteristics, but not race. But Enlightenment scholars started to classify humanity into groups that came to be called races, defined according to bodily measurements such as eye color, skin color, height, and skull dimensions. The most enduring classification came from Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840), a professor in the German University of Göttingen. Blumenbach based his classification on skull measurements and divided humanity into five “varieties,” which he laid out according to his aesthetic preferences. At the two extremities he placed the skulls he considered ugly, the African and the Asian. Next to the African was the Tahitian. Next to the Asian was the Native American. In the middle was Blumenbach’s “most beautiful skull” — of a young Georgian woman who had been a sex slave in Moscow, where she died of venereal disease. Her beautiful skull became the basis for the name given to white people; a native of the South Caucasus (between the Black and Caspian Seas), she inspired the label “Caucasian.” The history of American whiteness since the Enlightenment bristles with an abundance of fascinating figures. Everyone from Thomas Jefferson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Franz Boas, Malcolm X, Michael Novak and Toni Morrison have influenced our thinking about whiteness. I have written a whole long book about how this thinking evolved, conveniently entitled “The History of White People”. Thus we see how members of ethnic groups like Irish, Italian, Slavic, or Greek immigrants and their children were “becoming” white. Once considered "colored" they are today considered "white". Whiteness continues to evolve today and it continues to differ from the whiteness of two or three generations ago. Such is the unstable ideological nature of this construct despite the great efforts of white nationalists to formulate a stable basis. Fewer and fewer white Americans are now able thoughtlessly to think of themselves as "unraced" individuals with no role to play in undoing white supremacy. They too are beginning to understand that their deracination was caused by whiteness being imposed on them against the organic inclinations of their religion, ethnicity and culture!
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Repost from Turambarion ᛉ
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"Soviet socialism's disdain for the spirit and for religion, its atheism and hatred for history — it was this fact and no other which became the chief misfortune of Russian Bolshevism and let ultimately to its death — were manifested for the communists in their explicit hatred of the peasantry.  The majority of orthodox Marxists unilaterally saw the peasants as a reactionary class (in this surmise, they were correct).  A lack of Orthodox Christianity and a disdain for the peasants were the most negative features of Soviet socialism." - Alexander Dugin, The Royal Labor of the Peasant
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Repost from Beyond Liberalism
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On the City State CLAIM: “Civic nationalism is a ✡️ trick. That's why they brainwash you to think 'racism' is bad. It's a natural and necessary instinct. Ethnonationalism is how we save our heritage, our uniquely divine DNA, our communities, and our land.⚡️⚡️ Kick the 🐒 and 🧃 out. Save your country. 🤍” REBUTTAL: Civic comes from "civitas" meaning "city". City states are older than nation states and are the historical norm for the development of civilizations. All the great cultures and civilizations of the world that became great empires were the product of civic processes, not ethnic processes. If anything, it's the nations (ethnos) that were cultivated out of the city states (civitas). This means that the key to cultivating and maintaining any particular national charachteristic comes out of civic considerations. It is the city and not the nation that is at the core of civilization and empire. The nation is the fulfillment of this civic process. Without the civic, there can be no ethnic.
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On the City State CLAIM: “Civic nationalism is a ✡️ trick. That's why they brainwash you to think 'racism' is bad. It's a natural and necessary instinct. Ethnonationalism is how we save our heritage, our uniquely divine DNA, our communities, and our land.⚡️⚡️ Kick the 🐒 and 🧃 out. Save your country. 🤍” REBUTTAL: Civic comes from "civitas" meaning "city". City states are older than nation states and are the historical norm for the development of civilizations. All the great cultures and civilizations of the world that became great empires were the product of civic processes, not ethnic processes. If anything, it's the nations (ethnos) that were cultivated out of the city states (civitas). This means that the key to culrivating and maintaining any particular national charachteristic comes out of civic considerations. It is the city and not the nation that is at the core of civilization and empire. The nation is the fulfillment of this civic process. Without the civic, there can be no ethnic.
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The book, Domestic Manners of the Americans (Frances Trollope), had a caustic view of the Americans and found America strongly lacking in manners and learning. She was appalled by America's egalitarian middle-class and by the influence of evangelicalism that was emerging during the Second Great Awakening. Trollope was also harshly critical of slavery of African Americans in the United States, and by the popularity of tobacco chewing, and the consequent spitting, even on carpets.
"A single word indicative of doubt, that any thing, or every thing, in that country, is not the very best in the world, produces an effect which must be seen and felt to be understood. If the citizens of the United States were indeed the devoted patriots they call themselves, they would surely not thus encrust themselves in the hard, dry, stubborn persuasion, that they are the first and best of the human race, that nothing is to be learnt, but what they are able to teach, and that nothing is worth having, which they do not possess."
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Mark Twain on Joan of Arc
"She was truthful when lying was the common speech of men; she was honest when honest was become a lost virtue; she was a keeper of promises when the keeping of a promise was expected of no one; ... she was full of pity when a merciless cruelty was the rule; she was steadfast when stability was unknown, and honorable in an age which had forgotten what honor was; she was a rock of convictions in a time when men believed in nothing and scoffed at all things; she was unfailingly true in an age that was false to the core; ... she was of a dauntless courage when hope and courage had perished in the hearts of her nation..."
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