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Alexander Dugin

International Channel, Doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy. Founder of Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement.

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Repost from Idee&Azione
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Ciò detto sancirà l'umiliazione cosmica della NATO. Da qui la perpetuazione del Piano B: nessuna Terza Guerra Mondiale, ma un'incessante Guerra del Terrore. (di Pepe Escobar) #ideeazione
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Дугин разказа за страшния “последен звън”: очаква ни удар, който не можем да отразим Ситуацията с експлозиите в Ливан на пейджъри, уоки-токита, телефони и дори битова техника има много измерения. Ще се спра на трите най-важни. Първо, случилото се е просто истински масов тероризъм, извършван от държавата Израел. Изглежда, че след това, което прави в Газа, нищо не трябва да ни учудва. Но не, учудиха ни. Акт на масов терор, насочен не срещу “Хизбула”, а срещу ливанския народ като цяло: хиляди пейджъри, уоки-токита и телефони, включително на деца, експлодираха. Сега е трудно да се говори за Израел освен като за терористична държава. Същото важи и за САЩ и демократите на власт там, които напълно подкрепят терористичните действия на Израел. @pogled
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Lacan et le « trumpisme psychédélique » -

La méthode de Lacan Essayons d'appliquer la topologie de Lacan aux élections américaines. Rappelons le modèle de base de Lacan. Il peut être représenté sous la forme de trois anneaux de Borromée ou de trois ordres : 1) Le réel, 2) Le symbolique, 3) L'imaginaire.     Le réel est…

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ألكسندر دوغين – الشعب الروسي والنخب الروسية الشعب الروسي يفهم الجغرافيا السياسية بشكل أفضل بكثير مما يعتقد. إنهم يفهمون أن أوكرانيا شر محض، وأن الغرب هو مصدر الشر. النخب الروسية لا تفهم ذلك، لكن الشعب يفهم ذلك جيدًا. بالنسبة للشعب، بالمناسبة، النخب نفسها (الموالية للغرب) شريرة أيضًا، مثل الأوكرانيين المعاصرين والغرب.
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Repost from Geopolitics Live
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Lebanese minister: Israel’s aggression not only targets Hezbollah, but the country’s sovereignty
"Israeli aggression against Lebanon is a flagrant crime of our time," Lebanese acting Minister of the Displaced Issam Sharafeddine told Sputnik. "It is clear that the goal of this terrorist attack is to harm as many Hezbollah supporters as possible, so they can later claim victory and avoid a ground invasion."
In response to the attacks, Sharafeddine announced Lebanon's intention to seek an international arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.
"Lebanon must file a complaint with the International Court, as these attacks fall under international law," he stressed.
The minister also highlighted the US bias in favor of Israel, pointing out that the US supports Israel "financially, logistically, and militarily" while using its veto power on the international stage.
"Israel's strength lies in its alliances," Sharafeddine noted, adding that its technology, sourced from the US and Europe, is used against Arab nations including Lebanon and Palestine.
He affirmed that the attacks were an assault on Lebanon’s sovereignty, not just Hezbollah. "It is noteworthy that every time we are under attack, the Americans immediately intervene, dictating to certain parties what to do to calm the situation on the front,” Sharafeddine said.
“Credit must be given to the resistance – they adhere to the rules of engagement and carefully consider their response, as they do not want to drag Lebanon into a larger conflict."
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Repost from Intel Slava Z
🇮🇱🇱🇧⚡️ Israel carried out the largest air-strike campaign on the Lebanese front since October 8th, 2023.
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「日本人としてのアイデンティティを求めて」 20世紀における日本の近代化に伴う知的プロセスの本質を反映しているのは、京都学派の哲学です。この学派の中心人物である西田幾多郎(1870–1945)と彼の最も近い協力者たちである田辺元(1885–1962)や西谷啓治(1900–1990)がその主導者として知られています。 — 京都学派: 「モダニゼーションへの挑戦」 「キーとなるロジック」 「すべての現象は、現象であるがゆえに現象ではない。」 「場所—場所の論理と浄土の存在論」 「日本のナショナリズム」 田邊 元 「種の論理」 西谷啓治「何もないことに対しては何もない」 「京都学派における急進的主体」 近代性の克服
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京都学派: 「モダニゼーションへの挑戦」 20世紀における日本の近代化に伴う知的プロセスの本質を反映しているのは、京都学派の哲学です。この学派の中心人物である西田幾多郎(1870–1945)と彼の最も近い協力者たちである田辺元(1885–1962)や西谷啓治(1900–1990)がその主導者として知られています。 京都学派は明治時代以降、日本に積極的に導入された西洋文明のパラダイム的前提を徹底的に研究する中で、形而上学的・哲学的観点から日本人が自らのアイデンティティを見直すという、完全に独創的な結果を示しています。この学派の立場は、先に示された図において、ナショナリズムとリベラリズムの間に位置付けられます。ナショナリズムは仏教哲学に依拠し、日本人の国家的アイデンティティの価値を強調していますが、このアイデンティティは新しい歴史的状況において再び確立される必要があった(あるいは、場合によっては新たに創り出される必要があった)ものでした。一方、リベラリズムは近代西欧文明の集大成として、普遍的な発展と繁栄のレシピとして日本社会に押し付けられていたものです。しかし、「ヌーマキア」の他の巻に見られるように、リベラリズムが西欧文化の真髄であるという主張は必ずしも正しいとは言えません。 このような中で、京都学派の哲学者たちは非常に繊細で困難な課題に取り組む必要がありました。また、リベラル・モダニズム的な擬似ロゴスの形で日本社会に攻撃を仕掛ける西洋哲学の構造を解読することを求められると共に、日本的世界観の主な質的特徴や力点を再考し、今度は外部から見た視点で再び記述することが求められました。彼らは特に日本的な楕円の焦点にあるものとして、禅仏教にアイデンティティの根源を見出したのです。京都学派によって掲げられ、解決されたこの課題は、本質的に明治維新という歴史的瞬間における日本の選択を象徴するものであり、日本社会全体にとっても重大かつ根源的なものでした。 京都学派の創始者である西田幾多郎の経歴は、彼の哲学の構造そのものを如実に示しています。貴族の家庭に生まれた西田は人生の初期段階において日本の伝統文化を深く学び、貴族の若者向けの古典教育の全段階を修了しました。また、彼は禅仏教の方法を長年にわたり実践し、禅の師匠の指導を受ける一方で、彼は東京大学で西洋哲学を学び、後に京都大学でその学問を教え、京都学派と呼ばれる非公式な知的運動を創設しました。…

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Repost from Sonar21
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EXPOSED: Truth About Syrian Civil War | Kevork Almassian Interview

Geopolitical analyst Kevork Almassian joins Counter Currents host and former CIA analyst Larry Johnson to discuss the following issues: - How US colluded with ISIS and other jihadist groups in Syria - Connection between Syrian Civil War and Ukraine Conflict - Truth about chemical weapons use in Syria - Bashar al-Assad’s political evolution

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Repost from Mehmet Perinçek
Tokyo, artık nikâh yüzüklerini görmek istiyor Kıtalararası Japon hükümetinin hayallerini bir Asya NATO’su süslüyor. Anlaşılan o ki ülkesini ve sularını sonuna kadar ABD’ye açan Tokyo, bu uzun süreli aşkı resmi nikâhla taçlandırmayı arzuluyor. Washington ise imtiyazlı sevgililiğin tüm imkânlarını zaten gönlünce sömürebildiği için “ama aşkım henüz evliliğe hazır değilim” diyerek konuyu geçiştiriyor. Bu bağlamda fazla nazın aşığı usandırmayacağını düşünüyoruz… Devamı için ⤵️
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Tokyo, artık nikâh yüzüklerini görmek istiyor | Kitalararasi

Kıtalararası   Japon hükümetinin hayallerini bir Asya NATO’su süslüyor. Anlaşılan o ki ülkesini ve sularını sonuna kadar ABD’ye açan Tokyo, bu uzun süreli aşkı resmi nikâhla taçlandırmayı arzuluyor. Washington ise imtiyazlı sevgililiğin tüm imkânlarını zaten gönlünce sömürebildiği için “ama aşkım henüz evliliğe hazır değilim” diyerek konuyu geçiştiriyor. Bu bağlamda fazla nazın aşığı usandırmayacağını düşünüyoruz… ALT

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Moscow, Third Rome, Russia as catacomb and the symphony of powers as a political system, is that also the russian world? Alexander Dugin: Yes, unquestionably. That is what gave the Russian world the idea of universal scope. That is, thanks to the Byzantine heritage, the idea of a symphony of powers, the idea of katehon, the tsar, as the executor of the religious, global and universal mission, aimed at preventing the coming of the antichrist.....
Russian Geopolitics : An eschatological perspective - Aleksandr DUGIN In this unique interview with Professor Aleksandr Dugin, we discuss the fundamental concepts underlying the 'Russian World' and Russian geopolitics: Moscow as the Third Rome, the Katechon, the symphony of powers, ... 😉 On Youtube: 📹 On Paideuma @odctvofficiel
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