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Repost from BioClandestine
⚠️FAUCI PERJURED HIMSELF⚠️ Fauci claims that he “kept an open mind” in regard to the lab leak theory… Here are the NIH emails confirming that’s a lie. 04/16/2020: Director Francis Collins emails Fauci about how to “put down this very destructive conspiracy”. Fauci responds, “I would not do anything about this right now. It is a shiny object that will go away with time.” Fauci just lied under oath.
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Repost from The Corbett Report
We've all heard of mRNA "vaccines" by now, but have you heard about the next generation of "vaccines" that Big Pharma is preparing to unleash upon the public? via The Corbett Report
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Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon

We’ve all heard of mRNA “vaccines” by now. In fact, no matter where you are in the world and no matter how switched on to Big Pharma and its scamdemic tricks you may be, you doubtless know people who…

Repost from N/a
Durov still does not get it — Strategic Culture Stephen Karganovic Durov’s recent statements which indicate that he is labouring under grave illusions about the nature of his predicament. (...) Pavel Durov should stop wasting his time attempting to lecture his French captors on the wrongfulness of the persecution to which they are subjecting him. They are completely uninterested in the philosophical and legal principles to which Durov is referring. Like their transatlantic colleagues, who display juridical virtuosity by indicting ham sandwiches, with equal facility and with as little professional remorse French prosecutors are prepared to indict bœuf bourguignon, if that is what the system they serve demands of them. Far more than a legal strategy, Durov now needs an effective negotiating position (and perhaps also a crash course in poker) to preserve the integrity of his enterprise and to regain fully his freedom without sacrificing honour. For an excellent introduction to the Western rules based order, Durov need look no further than the woeful predicament of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the German-American lawyer who for months has been languishing in a German prison after being targeted on trumped-up charges for exposing the fraud of the recent “health emergency” that we all vividly recall. Properly understood, the Durov affair should come as a sobering lesson not only for its principal but more importantly for the edification of the frivolous Russian intelligentsia who still entertain adolescent illusions about where the grass is greener and continue to nourish a petulant disdain for their own country, its way of life, and culture. -- dazu The Resurrection of Nazi Germany | The 21st century version is worse than the 20th century version. (...) During the years of the Covid hoax, Dr. Fuellmich organized a committee to investigate the lies about Covid and the “vaccine,” and was preparing to bring a lawsuit in behalf of those whose health and lives were lost to the “vaccine” that authorities said was “safe and effective.” This was going too far, and the ruling establishment took steps to stop him. Possibly Washington was a participant in the plot against him. Dr. Fuellmich, who lives in Germany and in California, on his way to his California home was prevented from entering the US, and had to go to Mexico while waiting to sort out whatever the difficulty was. In Mexico he and his wife were tricked by the German embassy into going to the airport to have their passports renewed. The German government illegally kidnapped Dr. Fuellmich and flew him to Germany where he was arrested and since has spent much time in solitary confinement, which is used for the purpose of wearing down a victim’s will to resist. All of this was done in violation of the German constitution and German law. His pre-trial detention is now double the length of pre-trial detention permitted under German law. (...) During the long proceedings against Dr. Fuellmich, the judge has refused Dr. Fuellmich’s right to confront the “witnesses” against him with cross examination or even to allow them on the stand. The judge has refused the defense’s use of the evidence in its possession and has protected the fake evidence against Fuellmich from examination. Evidence is beside the point. The point is conviction of Dr. Fuellmich “at all costs.” When the original charge fell apart despite the judge blocking evidence of innocence, the judge concocted a new charge, one completely nonsensical and said that he intended Dr. Fuellmich’s conviction. (...) The purpose of the false proceedings against Dr. Fuellmich is to teach all others not to interfere with the agendas of the ruling elites. -- The Persecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
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Repost from SocialTv Network
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🇫🇷 Un ragazzo chiede a Chat GPT "Quanto ha guadagnato Big Pharma dalla transizione infantile?" Non sei pronto per la risposta. 🇺🇸 195 milioni di dollari all' anno quota base e un massimo di 885 milioni all' anno
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Repost from L'AntiDiplomatico
L'iniziativa è stata di un gruppo di cittadini, non appartenenti ad un partito politico, attivisti per la pace, che si sono aggregati al solo scopo di fare stampare i manifesti e ottenere le autorizzazioni di prassi per farli affiggere, autotassandosi. Ma questa volta non è stato un manipolo di ucraini a protestare e minacciare. Questa volta si è mossa nientepopodimeno che l'ambasciata ucraina, in un tweet ufficiale.
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"La Russia non è nostra nemica". Basta un manifesto pacifista a mandarli in tilt

L'antidiplomatico - Liberi di svelarvi il mondo

No a 176 milioni offerti da un'azienda hi tech ✊ La sostanziosa offerta dell'azienda tecnologica era intesa a sfruttare il suo status di icona per promuovere una nuova linea di prodotti all'avanguardia. Tuttavia, Waters ha rifiutato l'opportunità, adducendo dubbi sui valori dell'azienda e sul suo allineamento con i suoi principi personali. In un comunicato, Waters ha spiegato che, pur apprezzando l'offerta, ha ritenuto che accettarla avrebbe compromesso la sua integrità e l'autenticità del suo personaggio pubblico. #giacartastaarrivando #ceraunavoltainitalia Federico Greco
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Trade Decline: Legend Roger Waters Turns Down $176.3 Million Offer To Become…Read More - Sportydomain

In a surprising move that has captured the attention of the music world, legendary musician Roger Waters has turned down a staggering $176.3

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) on X

🔥🚨BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Kamala Harris is allegedly paying influencers and celebrities $20,000 each to attend the DNC convention through PR agents. There is an email that is being sent to influencers from public relation managers who got paid by the campaign to inform

Un nuovo studio peer-reviewed condotto da un gruppo di importanti ricercatori greci ha scoperto che la narrativa globalista anti-carbonio è una bufala. Secondo lo studio, le affermazioni popolari secondo cui i cambiamenti del biossido di carbonio (CO2) determinano i cambiamenti della temperatura attuali o nel lontano passato sono false. I ricercatori affermano che queste affermazioni, spesso utilizzate per promuovere l’agenda verde globalista, “si basano sull’immaginazione e su modelli climatici pieni di ipotesi”. Il nuovo studio completo descrive in dettaglio una valutazione stocastica della sequenza delle variazioni di CO2 rispetto alle variazioni di temperatura a partire dagli anni ’50, negli ultimi 2.000 anni (l’era volgare) e nel corso degli ultimi 541 milioni di anni. La conclusione ineccepibile è che la direzione della causalità – con la consapevolezza che le cause sono in anticipo e gli effetti sono in ritardo – mostra chiaramente che i cambiamenti di temperatura sono in anticipo e i cambiamenti di CO2 in ritardo su scala annuale, decennale e centenaria/millenaria. In altre parole, “la direzione della causalità inversa [CO2] → T dovrebbe essere esclusa”. L’affermazione che l’aumento della CO2 guida il “cambiamento climatico” attraverso i cambiamenti della temperatura è, quindi, solo una “narrativa”. Gli scienziati avvertono che l’affermazione secondo cui “gli esseri umani, attraverso le loro emissioni derivanti dalla combustione di combustibili fossili, sono responsabili dei cambiamenti che vediamo nel clima” può essere considerata una “questione non scientifica”.
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Revisiting the greenhouse effect – a hydrological perspective

Quantification of the greenhouse effect is a routine procedure in the framework of hydrological calculations of evaporation. According to the standard practice, this is made considering the water v...

We’re reaching out to you at a critical moment. The European Commission's recent decision to cut funding for Free Software (€27 million) in the draft Horizon Europe 2025 Work Programme, particularly within the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative[1], is deeply concerning. This decision highlights the fragility of Free Software funding and the pressing need for long-term, sustainable support. Why Your Voice Matters: Your participation in the ongoing consultation for the Digital Europe Programme [2] is vital to safeguarding the future of software freedom. Your individual participation in this consultation is very valuable as it provides the European Commission with a broad spectrum of opinions, reinforcing our united call for stable, long-term support for Free Software, ensuring that it remains central to Europe’s digital strategy. Take Action: The deadline for submitting your input is 20 September (midnight Brussels time). Please make your voice heard and help us advocate for the future of Free Software. We’ve already participated[3], and it is very simple. Now it’s your turn! Together, we can bring back the funds for Free Software. Key Points for Consideration: - Software is integral to every aspect of our lives. It’s essential that this technology empowers, not restricts, by granting everyone the right to use, understand, adapt, and share software. - We urge the EU to prioritise Free Software, ensuring financial support for related projects and ecosystems. Sustainable, long-term funding will enhance independence, resilience, control, security, and sovereignty. - Free Software solutions are crucial to avoiding future dependencies and lock-ins. By adopting a “Free Software first” approach, the EU can ensure taxpayer money is used efficiently, fostering collaboration and interoperability across Europe. If it’s public money, it should be public code Best regards, Alexander Sander Senior Policy Consultant [1] [2] [3] -- FSFE, Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg, VR 17030 Please support our work:
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EC cuts funding support for Free Software projects - FSFE

The Next Generation Internet initiative has supported Free Software projects with funding and technical assistance since 2018. Despite its proven success, ...

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