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The World Aral Region Charity @rwillarda

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🎉 Sizlarni 2023-yil 26-may kuni soat 13:30 da To‘rtko‘l 47-Janbaskala maktabida bo‘lib o‘tadigan “Zhanbaskala Eco Fest”ning yakuniy finaliga taklif qilamiz. Biz “World Aral Region Charity” tashkiloti mahalliy hukumat, O‘zbekiston Ekologik partiyasi va mahalliy hamkorlarimizga ekologik loyihalarimizni taqdim etishdan mamnunmiz. Janbaskala Eko festivali bizning innovatsion gidrotexnika loyihalarimiz, barqaror ekologik tashabbuslarimiz, eko-teatr va atrof-muhit qonunchiligini yaxshiroq tushunishning eng zo'r namoyondasidir. Sizni yakuniy finalda intiqlik bilan kutamiz! - Jahon Orol mintaqasi xayriya jamoasi Telegram | Instagram | Veb-sayt
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🎉Sizni 2023-yil 26-may, soat 13:30  kuni To‘rtko‘l 47-Janbasqal’a maktabida bo‘lib o‘tadigan “Janbasqala Eko Fest”ning katta finaliga taklif qilamiz. Biz “World Aral Region Charity” tashkiloti mahalliy hukumat (hukumat), O‘zbekiston Ekologik partiyasi va mahalliy hamkorlarimizga ekologik loyihalarimizni taqdim etishdan juda xursandmiz. Janbasqal’a eko festivali Butunjahon Orol mintaqasi xayriya tashkilotining innovatsion muhandislik loyihalari, ekologik tashabbuslar, atrof-muhit qonunchiligi va ekoteatrni yanada yaxshiroq tushunishning yakuni hisoblanadi. Sizni katta finalda ko'rishni intiqlik bilan kutamiz! - Jahon Orol mintaqasi xayriya jamoasi Telegram | Instagram | Veb-sayt
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Day 1 of our May project in Janbasqala, Karakalpakstan!
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We would like to invite you to the grand finale of the Janbasqala Eco Fest on May 26, 2023, 13:30  at Turtkul School 47- Janbasqala.   We at World Aral Region Charity are indeed excited to present our ecological projects to representatives of the local government (hukumat), Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, and our local partners. The Janbasqala Eco Fest is a culmination of World Aral Region Charity's innovative engineering projects, eco-friendly initiatives, a better understanding of environmental law and eco-theater. We look forward to seeing you at the grand finale!  - World Aral Region Charity team Telegram | Instagram | Website
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Over 11-12 of May, WARC premiered its eco theater program with the play “Susambil”, in partnership with Eco Maktab and the Alliance for Saving the Saigak. Children with a personal experience of living in the ecological disaster zone near the Aral Sea shared what worries them and how environmental change affects their everyday life. They compared these worries with the plight of migratory animals under threat of extinction, due to poaching. An important part of the performance was the participation of the children in writing the script, collecting documentary material from elderly residents of the village, and retelling their memories and dreams in the performance itself. The project also had a charitable side. On the basis of cooperation with the WARC, a reverse osmosis filter was installed at school 54 to provide the children of Jaslyk with clean water. “We hope,” says Mukkasan, a participant from the eighth grade, “that our creative actions will lead to real changes in our village.”
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📖EDUCATIONAL ENGINEERING - "EcoSchool 2023"📖 📌In the program, rural high-schoolers will brainstorm their own small-scale engineering projects, encouraging them to advocate for their country’s ecological well-being, one of which will be scaled-up in our next project. Ultimately, we hope to incentivize and equip young people to continue our work past the conclusion of this project. WARC intends to continue two projects that have generated sustainable solutions for  local communities: filtration and ecological education. Reverse osmosis filters remove salt from salinized groundwater at schools , lowering the incidence of anemia, which is prevalent among rural children. This year’s educational program utilizes task-oriented exercises to hone in on engineering in order to emphasize a concrete methodology for environmental innovation. ✅ #Recent_projects | Website | Telegram | Instagram
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March EcoTrip Team “As we prepare for our May 2023 Ecological Educational trip, we will be featuring a member of our team on our social media pages. Besides being the secretary for WARC’s board, Kyra Ann Dawkins is a published novelist, language rights scholar, and oral historian. She also loves books, Disney movies, and jazz music. She is excited to write and work on an oral history inspired eco-theater play with students on the May trip. This will be Kyra’s first time in Uzbekistan and she’s excited for what’s in store!
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World Aral Region Charity (WARC), organized Eco Congress on April 28, 2023. The Eco Congress promoted environmental awareness and sustainable solutions through discussions and ideas on how to reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment. It sparked ideas about innovative ecological projects, and gave a better understanding environmental law-making. Every school team that participated created a solution-focused proposal based on scientific research. The Eco Congress also introduced WARC's Sister Schools initiative, which established partnerships between schools in Tashkent and Karakalpakstan to promote cross-cultural exchange and environmental education. Most importantly, Bek School from Tashkent fundraised for its sister school 47 Maktab in Turtkul in Karakalpakstan for practical eco-solutions. @warcuz
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As part of the organization of this event, WARC launched a new program: Sister Eco Schools. We paired each team from our participating private schools in Tashkent with a rural school in Karakalpakstan. Each school here has donated finances to their sister school in Karakalpakstan to help give access to clean water and a green ecosystem.They had a chance to meet over Zoom, discuss the current ecological challenges they are concerned about and discuss a roadmap for future partnership.
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Орол бўйи минтақаси экологиясини яхшилаш, ёшларни экологик маданиятини юксалтириш,уларнинг лойихаларини биргаликда бажариш мақсадида янги ташаббусга мувофиқ - Тошкент-Қорақалпоқ қардош мактаблари пайдо бўлмоқда. Пойтахтимизнинг 4 та нуфузли мактаби ўқувчилари маблағ йиғиб Қорақалпоғистон туманлари мактаб ўқувчиларини ичимлик суви билан таъминлаш, томорқаларида мевали боғлар яратиш дастур, лойихаларини биргаликда бажариш ишларини амалга оширишни бошлашди. Пойтахимизнинг бошқа мактаблари ҳам "Қардош мактаблар" акциясида фаол қатнашишади деган умиддамиз
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"World Aral Region Charity" жамғармамиз сафларига Тошкентнинг нуфузли мактаблари қўшилмоқдалар. Уларнинг энг фаолларидан бири"Бек " хусусий мактабидир. Мактаб ўқувчилари экология бўйича, хусусан Арол минтақаси экологиясини яхшилаш бўйича бугун Италиянинг Пизо Университетида бўлиб ўтган экологик форумда бир нечта лойихалар таклиф қилишди. Мактаб ўқувчилари ва ўқитувчилари Қорақолпоғистоннинг Тўрткул тумани 47-чи мактаб томорқасида иссиқхона яратиш учун 5000.000 сўм маблағ йиғиб мактаб директори Бакибаев Боуржанга топширишди. НОУ «FUTURE EDUCATION» ( "Бек") мактаби директори- Дилфузахон Исамухамедовага хамкорлик учун миннатдорчилик билдирамиз.
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Join us at the World Aral Region Charity (WARC) Ecological Congress, on April 28, at 3 pm at University of Pisa, Tashkent. Students from top schools of Tashkent will form a team and brainstorm ideas for ecological solutions through solution-focused dialogue and presentations. This event will introduce WARC's new initiative, The Sister Eco Schools program - where private schools in Tashkent wil partner with rural public schools in Karakalpakstan to collaborate on innovative ecological solutions for Uzbekistan and fundraise to provide water filters, drip irrigation and more, in Karakalpakstan. This is first of its kind event that's happening in Tashkent. Students, educators, and eco-enthusiasts are all welcome. Spread the word! We look forward to seeing you. #WARC #EcoCongress #Tashkent #Bekschool #Uzbekistan
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As part of WARC’s new Sister Eco Schools program, private schools in Tashkent are being paired up with rural public school in Karakalpakstan to collaborate on innovative ecological solutions for Uzbekistan and fundraise. So far, Bek School, Leader School and Smart School have entered their initial stage of dialogue and research with Kungrad #54 and Turtkul #47. More coming soon
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